SPEC Kit 324: Collecting Global Resources · 99
Indiana University Bloomington
Slavic and East European Collection Description
Slavic and East European Collection Description
http://www.libraries.iub.edu/index.php?pageId=1001195[7/25/11 5:44:01 PM]
Although there are major gaps in the Hungarian collection, it is still one of the best in the United States. During the years when
professor Ranki was at Indiana, only the Library of Congress and Harvard could match Indiana's then current collecting. The post 1989
holdings are weak, due to the enormous difficulty of receiving books from Hungary. The total collection contains approximately 24,300
volumes, 20,400 of which are in Hungarian.
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The Macedonian Collection
The Macedonian collection is one of the smaller vernacular collections, currently containing about 1,800 titles, of which about 60
are serial titles. It focuses on history, language, literature, and linguistics, which account for about 75% of the total titles. Other
disciplines of relative strength within the Macedonian collection include anthropology, business, economics, philosophy, religion, and
political science. This vernacular collection is supported by about 100 English titles on Macedonian history and literature, and
furthermore by the much more substantial Western-language collection devoted to the Balkan peninsula in general. The collection is
maintained and developed through direct purchase of new titles (from the German vendor Kubon &Sagner) and foreign exchange with
the National and University Library "St. Kliment Ohridski" in Skopje.
Not to be overlooked are the three serial titles available in full-text in the online database "Central and Eastern European Online
Library" http://www.ceeol.com/aspx/publicationlist.aspx:
Blesok -literatura i drigi umetnosti
Identiteti: spisanie za politika, rod i kultura
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The Polish Collection
The Polish collection at Indiana is massive, second only to the Russian/Soviet holdings. It contains 59,100 volumes, 52,800 in Polish.
It supports graduate research in most areas of the humanities and social sciences. It has the only holding of Czas (1848-1900 on 50
reels of microfilm) in the U.S. The émigré publications are well represented, and it has substantial holdings of Polish literature in
English translation. Since 2002 the library has been adding annually approximately 1,000 Polish language books.
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The Romanian Collection
The Romanian collection is very uneven. The collection has depended mainly on exchange programs, which flood the library with
books one year and send nothing the next. The count for materials concerning Romanian studies is 17,000 volumes, 15,860 of which
are in Romanian. Renewed efforts are being made to increase our receipt of current Romanian materials. Starting in 2003 we have
been receiving close to 1,000 new volumes annually.
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The Russian/Soviet Collection
This collection is very strong in 20th century history and literature. For 20 years the library maintained a standing order for the first
edition of every Soviet author published in Russian, and all literary authors' collected works. There are strong holdings, especially in
microfilm for publications during the 1916-1918 period. The 19th century collection, especially in history, is definitely weaker. The
library has complete runs of most of the 20th century journals from Europe and the United States concerning Russian language,
literature, and history. This includes all publications of Mouton reprints. When a search was made of Horecky's Basic Russian
Publications, the collection proved to be strong in Reference, History, Diplomacy, Philology, and General Culture. The weakest areas
were in Family, Health Services, Insurance, and Labor.
The Estonian collection appears to be unmatched by any other American library.
One of the very strong parts of the Soviet collection is for studies of Soviet Central Asia, now Eurasia. This includes large collections
in the Turkic languages of Central Asia. There is also a special collection for the study of Georgia and the general Caucasus.
The overall figure for the Ukrainian collection is unknown, since it has been traditionally counted with the other Soviet materials.
However, it has been determined that there are 8,850 volumes in Ukrainian literature and 5,510 in history, for a total of 14,360 in those
areas. In all I.U. has 16,800 volumes in Ukrainian.
The total Russian/Soviet collection is approximately 247,000 volumes, 194,000 of which are in Russian.
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