SPEC Kit 324: Collecting Global Resources · 21
Fine art and architecture holdings are significant for all areas, including East Asia. Human Rights is another significant
collecting program that spans all world areas and includes significant archival and digital materials. We have not
pursued extensive digitization of local content with the exception of the East Asian studies area and Western Europe.
Hellenic Studies/Modern Greek Studies.
Icelandic and Old Norse Studies Dante, Petrarch Studies.
International government publications and publications from international governmental agencies (UN, etc.)
international perspectives on indigenous peoples world wide.
Irish Studies. (2 responses)
May 4th special collections, liquid crystals.
Medieval Studies.
Medieval Studies, including Byzantium.
Melanesian Collection, Spanish Civil War.
Note: Latin American Studies includes the Hispanic Caribbean.
Note: the Western European collection strength is mainly to do with Icelandic materials.
Oceania (including Australia and New Zealand).
Pacific Island Studies.
Scandinavian/Nordic Studies: The Libraries collect extensively and intensively in this area, both historic and
contemporary, in all formats.
The Libraries has significant Middle East and Islamic Studies collections not described in this survey.
We are beginning to develop a collection in Latin American Jewish literary and cultural studies.
We have a Cuban Heritage Collection, which focuses specifically on Cuba and the Cuban Diaspora worldwide.
We have research level collections on Egypt and South Africa, mostly print books and print serials.
Maps Audio/
Microforms Digitized
Arctic Studies
Byzantine and Modern
Greece Studies

Chinese art
Classical Studies
Earth Sciences
Fine art
Hellenic Studies /Modern
Greek Studies

Icelandic and Old Norse
Studies Dante, Petrarch
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