SPEC Kit 324: Collecting Global Resources · 31
Global Resources Expenditure and Collecting Trends
4. Compared to five years ago, are expenditures (in absolute dollars) for global resources materials
today more, less, or about the same? Check all that apply. N=69
Collection Focus N More Less About the Same
Latin American Studies 57 24 13 20
East Asian Studies 55 21 11 23
West European Studies 54 15 20 19
Slavic and East European Studies 51 11 18 22
African Studies 50 19 11 20
South Asian Studies 46 16 11 19
Middle Eastern Studies 46 25 10 11
Islamic Studies 45 26 8 11
Jewish Studies (non-English) 41 15 9 17
Southeast Asian Studies 35 9 8 18
Central Eurasian Studies 34 6 7 21
Tibetan Studies 28 6 9 13
Other area 21 11 2 8
Number of Responses 69 47 31 48
Please identify the collection focus of the “Other area.” N=21
Byzantine and Modern Greece Studies.
China studies.
Circumpolar or northern studies.
Classical Studies.
Earth Sciences.
Icelandic and Old Norse Studies Dante, Petrarch Studies.
Irish Studies. (2 responses)
Medieval Studies.
Oceania (including Australia and New Zealand).
We have a Cuban Heritage Collection, which focuses specifically on Cuba and the Cuban Diaspora worldwide.
Global Resources Expenditure and Collecting Trends
4. Compared to five years ago, are expenditures (in absolute dollars) for global resources materials
today more, less, or about the same? Check all that apply. N=69
Collection Focus N More Less About the Same
Latin American Studies 57 24 13 20
East Asian Studies 55 21 11 23
West European Studies 54 15 20 19
Slavic and East European Studies 51 11 18 22
African Studies 50 19 11 20
South Asian Studies 46 16 11 19
Middle Eastern Studies 46 25 10 11
Islamic Studies 45 26 8 11
Jewish Studies (non-English) 41 15 9 17
Southeast Asian Studies 35 9 8 18
Central Eurasian Studies 34 6 7 21
Tibetan Studies 28 6 9 13
Other area 21 11 2 8
Number of Responses 69 47 31 48
Please identify the collection focus of the “Other area.” N=21
Byzantine and Modern Greece Studies.
China studies.
Circumpolar or northern studies.
Classical Studies.
Earth Sciences.
Icelandic and Old Norse Studies Dante, Petrarch Studies.
Irish Studies. (2 responses)
Medieval Studies.
Oceania (including Australia and New Zealand).
We have a Cuban Heritage Collection, which focuses specifically on Cuba and the Cuban Diaspora worldwide.