78 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
We have implemented Unicode.
We hope to increase access to global resources and related services by hiring additional specialists in specific areas.
Website archiving with Archive IT.
Additional Comments
30. Please enter any additional information that may assist the authors’ understanding of your
library’s global resources collections and services. N=31
Regarding question 2: UM collects electronic serials and digital material where available. Since there is much less
produced outside of the US and Canada, we cannot claim to have significant collections. More monographs are
available, though we have been slower to collect these, except for Chinese and West European imprints. UM also has
access through HathiTrust to a wealth of foreign language materials. Regarding question 3: Along with purchasing
global resources with region specific endowments, we also purchase resources with general, non-restrictive library
endowments. Regarding question 5: The UM Library includes two global resources units, Area Programs and Asia
Library. Area Programs includes Central Eurasian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, Islamic, Jewish, Middle Eastern, Slavic
and Eastern European and Tibetan Studies. Asia Library includes Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Studies. These units
include staff who handle public services, acquisitions, processing, and cataloging of vernacular materials. Other Global
resources librarians, African, Latin American, and West European Studies, are found in the Reference Department.
Acquisitions, processing, and cataloging for these collections are handled the same as other general collections. Skills
are development among non-librarian staff that perform the work of librarians in certain areas. These non-librarian staff
were not included in the responses for years of professional experience. Regarding question 6: We purchase resources
requested by patrons, but do not have an automated patron-driven acquisition program.
Again, we do not collect any materials of significance published outside Canada or the US in any of these areas.
All area studies librarians are very embedded in relevant departments and/or work closely with faculty regardless of
department. This drives their other activities—collection development, reference, and instruction.
Asian Library holds the largest research collection of Asian language materials in Canada, nearly 600,000 volumes, all
subjects, especially in humanities and social sciences has a number of important rare books/special collections. Asian
Library is participating in a number of on-going projects with other partners. Xwi7xwa Library became a branch of the
UBC Library in 2005. It includes international materials—issues related to First Nations and Indigenous peoples. All
other global resources and services are handled in the respective subject/branch libraries: Art+Architecture+Planning
David Lam Library Humanities &Social Sciences Law Education Music. The international government publications
collection is extensive and handled by the government publications librarians/library staff in Humanities &Social
Sciences and/or distributed to the subject/branch libraries, as appropriate.
Global resources collections/services by liaison librarians are integrated into the library’s overall collections/services.
KU has four Title VI funded Centers and a newly formed Center for Global and International Studies (CGIS). Under the
CGIS umbrella are the Middle Eastern Studies program, South Asian program, and European Studies Center. The Middle
Eastern program will most likely apply for Center status soon.
Most of the answers given in this survey would apply to any of our collecting areas. We are not making significantly
different or special efforts with regard to global resources.
We have implemented Unicode.
We hope to increase access to global resources and related services by hiring additional specialists in specific areas.
Website archiving with Archive IT.
Additional Comments
30. Please enter any additional information that may assist the authors’ understanding of your
library’s global resources collections and services. N=31
Regarding question 2: UM collects electronic serials and digital material where available. Since there is much less
produced outside of the US and Canada, we cannot claim to have significant collections. More monographs are
available, though we have been slower to collect these, except for Chinese and West European imprints. UM also has
access through HathiTrust to a wealth of foreign language materials. Regarding question 3: Along with purchasing
global resources with region specific endowments, we also purchase resources with general, non-restrictive library
endowments. Regarding question 5: The UM Library includes two global resources units, Area Programs and Asia
Library. Area Programs includes Central Eurasian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, Islamic, Jewish, Middle Eastern, Slavic
and Eastern European and Tibetan Studies. Asia Library includes Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Studies. These units
include staff who handle public services, acquisitions, processing, and cataloging of vernacular materials. Other Global
resources librarians, African, Latin American, and West European Studies, are found in the Reference Department.
Acquisitions, processing, and cataloging for these collections are handled the same as other general collections. Skills
are development among non-librarian staff that perform the work of librarians in certain areas. These non-librarian staff
were not included in the responses for years of professional experience. Regarding question 6: We purchase resources
requested by patrons, but do not have an automated patron-driven acquisition program.
Again, we do not collect any materials of significance published outside Canada or the US in any of these areas.
All area studies librarians are very embedded in relevant departments and/or work closely with faculty regardless of
department. This drives their other activities—collection development, reference, and instruction.
Asian Library holds the largest research collection of Asian language materials in Canada, nearly 600,000 volumes, all
subjects, especially in humanities and social sciences has a number of important rare books/special collections. Asian
Library is participating in a number of on-going projects with other partners. Xwi7xwa Library became a branch of the
UBC Library in 2005. It includes international materials—issues related to First Nations and Indigenous peoples. All
other global resources and services are handled in the respective subject/branch libraries: Art+Architecture+Planning
David Lam Library Humanities &Social Sciences Law Education Music. The international government publications
collection is extensive and handled by the government publications librarians/library staff in Humanities &Social
Sciences and/or distributed to the subject/branch libraries, as appropriate.
Global resources collections/services by liaison librarians are integrated into the library’s overall collections/services.
KU has four Title VI funded Centers and a newly formed Center for Global and International Studies (CGIS). Under the
CGIS umbrella are the Middle Eastern Studies program, South Asian program, and European Studies Center. The Middle
Eastern program will most likely apply for Center status soon.
Most of the answers given in this survey would apply to any of our collecting areas. We are not making significantly
different or special efforts with regard to global resources.