18 · Survey Results: Executive Summary
foreseeable future. We are acutely aware that multiple
developments in the information world converge and
are in the process of transforming the nature of our
global collections significantly: changes in scholarly
communication new and different ways of conduct-
ing research different ways of accessing information
changes in the publishing industry worldwide with a
trend towards the electronic medium fast-growing,
open-access movements in some world areas and
resulting changes in the way we approach the collec-
tion of global resources, and in the way we provide
access to them. All of these factors have a profound
impact on the collection of global resources at ARL
1 Issues such as cataloging and the description and orga-
nization of both print and electronic global resources
collections, while connected to the focus of this survey,
go beyond the scope of this discussion and, in fact,
deserve to be studied in a separate survey.
2 The Library of Congress maintains offices abroad to
acquire, catalog, preserve, and distribute library and re-
search materials from other world areas. In addition to
serving the Library of Congress, these offices conduct
Cooperative Acquisitions Programs (CAP) for over 100
participating institutions. For more information, see:
3 The Committee on Institutional Cooperation is a con-
sortium of the Big Ten universities plus the University
of Chicago. For more information, see: http://www.cic.
4 For more information on the Global Resources Network
and the Area Microform Projects, see: http://www.crl.
edu/grn and http://www.crl.edu/area-studies/.
5 The partnership known as “2CUL” between Columbia
and Cornell, is described here: http://test.2cul.library.
6 HathiTrust is a partnership of major research institu-
tions and libraries designed to preserve and provide
access to the cultural record. For more information, see:
7 See: http://www.lib.washington.edu/about/news/
8 See: http://dartproject.org/.
9 The US Department of Education Title VI program ad-
ministers grants in support of foreign language, area,
and international studies at US institutions. For more
information, see: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/
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