74 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
queries. Slavic &East European studies: At present, on-site reference staff field any Slavic-related questions and, if
beyond their knowledge, provide referrals to the Librarian for Slavic &EE Studies via phone, email, or Skype. South Asian
Studies: Email reference is most satisfactory for both initial enquiries (one exchange may suffice) and very recondite
questions (exchanges may go on for days or months).
Instant Messaging.
Latin America—UF has a separate branch for its Latin American Collection, thus allowing us to offer daily an on-going,
face-to-face reference, reading room, and meeting environment.
Librarians make presentations to classes on request of faculty.
Library participation in university-wide forums, webcasts.
Other than a general introduction class for incoming graduate students and upper level undergraduates, one-on-one
instruction has been the most effective.
Teach within a credit-course taught by the relevant academic department.
Most Effective
Dedicated International Area Studies service desk and reading room. Information literacy objectives embedded into the
Individual research consultations (30–60 minutes)
28. Please indicate which methods library staff use for outreach to researchers to encourage use of
global resources, then select up to three that are most effective. N=66
Used Most Effective
Web or other research guides/pathfinders 58 39
Email discussion lists 51 26
Exhibits (other than virtual exhibits) 44 5
Press releases or other cooperative activities with the library’s public relations staff 36 2
Interact through social networking tools such as blogs, wikis, Facebook, podcasts,
31 8
Outreach led by Title VI Area Studies programs or other international programs
30 4
Hold office hours in specific academic departments 28 11
Community lectures, panel presentations 28 1
Collection newsletters 24 5
Virtual exhibits 22 2
Other 15 5
Number of Responses 66 52
queries. Slavic &East European studies: At present, on-site reference staff field any Slavic-related questions and, if
beyond their knowledge, provide referrals to the Librarian for Slavic &EE Studies via phone, email, or Skype. South Asian
Studies: Email reference is most satisfactory for both initial enquiries (one exchange may suffice) and very recondite
questions (exchanges may go on for days or months).
Instant Messaging.
Latin America—UF has a separate branch for its Latin American Collection, thus allowing us to offer daily an on-going,
face-to-face reference, reading room, and meeting environment.
Librarians make presentations to classes on request of faculty.
Library participation in university-wide forums, webcasts.
Other than a general introduction class for incoming graduate students and upper level undergraduates, one-on-one
instruction has been the most effective.
Teach within a credit-course taught by the relevant academic department.
Most Effective
Dedicated International Area Studies service desk and reading room. Information literacy objectives embedded into the
Individual research consultations (30–60 minutes)
28. Please indicate which methods library staff use for outreach to researchers to encourage use of
global resources, then select up to three that are most effective. N=66
Used Most Effective
Web or other research guides/pathfinders 58 39
Email discussion lists 51 26
Exhibits (other than virtual exhibits) 44 5
Press releases or other cooperative activities with the library’s public relations staff 36 2
Interact through social networking tools such as blogs, wikis, Facebook, podcasts,
31 8
Outreach led by Title VI Area Studies programs or other international programs
30 4
Hold office hours in specific academic departments 28 11
Community lectures, panel presentations 28 1
Collection newsletters 24 5
Virtual exhibits 22 2
Other 15 5
Number of Responses 66 52