112 · Representative Documents: Collection Development Policies
Boston University
Collection Development Policies. African Studies
BU Libraries |Services |Collection Development Policies |African Studies
http://www.bu.edu/library/collections/cdafr.html[7/25/11 5:35:59 PM]
R see Health
Z 3501-3975 African Bibliography
Z 8001-8999 Personal Bibliography
Materials with the location "African Studies" and "African Document" will be found in the reading room of the African Studies
Library on the sixth floor of Mugar Memorial Library. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the collection, an effort has
been made to shelve segments of the LC classification scheme relating to Africa in the stacks adjacent to the African
Studies Library's reading room. These locations are indicated on maps and floorplans on the Web and in the building.
Researchers should note that materials on Africa may be located throughout the stacks of Mugar Memorial Library and its
ASL collects works that deal with Africa, no matter what the subject, with some exceptions:
African American Studies: The appropriate subject selectors collect works dealing with the African diaspora in the
Americas and the Caribbean. ASL collects selectively in works dealing with vestiges of African culture among the diaspora,
and contemporary African immigration to the United States and Europe.
Archaeology and Classics: The Archaeology and Classics Selector collects works on ancient Egypt and Roman Africa. ASL
collects works on archaeology of sub-Saharan Africa there may be some overlap in works dealing with Nubia and Meroe.
Art History: The Art History Selector consults with ASL concerning the purchase of works on African art, both modern and
traditional. Retrospective collecting in African art will be undertaken by the African Studies Library.
Earth Sciences: ASL will acquire works related to environmental studies and geology in Africa.
Health: ASL will acquire works for Mugar Memorial Library related to public health in Africa, in collaboration with the Alumni
Medical Library and the Health Sciences bibliographer.
History: The History Selector collects works dealing with the Atlantic slave trade ASL collects works dealing with the
trans-Saharan slave trade. History collects works covering North Africa if the focus is primarily the Middle East.
Literature: ASL collects works of African writers. The Selectors for English, Romance Studies, and Modern Languages and
Comparative Literature collect works of writers born outside of Africa whose reputation and oeuvre span Africa and other
areas. Each may purchase selectively in fiction set in Africa written by non-African writers.
Political Science/International Relations: ASL collects materials that pertain specifically to politics and government
within and among African countries. ASL very selectively collects legal materials pertaining to African countries. The Political
Science Selector collects works dealing with U.S. policy toward Africa, and works covering North Africa if the focus of the
work is the Middle East.
ASL takes responsibility for adding volumes of collected essays and articles which are international in scope, but contain a
majority of articles on Africa.
Collected: Books periodicals proceedings reference materials atlases and government publications, including those of
African nations and their states or provinces, African regional organizations, and international organizations.
Collected Selectively: Dissertations and theses on African topics, whether done in the U.S. or abroad maps and
electronic resources.
Not Collected: Audio-visual materials, except for tapes and CDs included with print works children's books, except for
works in African languages and textbooks.
Additional materials relating to law and human rights in Africa can be found in the Pappas Law Library.
Also, International Law and Foreign Law Materials (K-KF KZ) are collected by selectors at the Pappas Law Library.
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