SPEC Kit 324: Collecting Global Resources · 111
Boston University
Collection Development Policies. African Studies
BU Libraries |Services |Collection Development Policies |African Studies
http://www.bu.edu/library/collections/cdafr.html[7/25/11 5:35:59 PM]
communities of African descent, such as the Gullah and the Black Nova Scotians. The primary focus is on Africa south of
the Sahara, although North Africa is also represented.
ASL collects material on Africa published anywhere in the world, within the language policies described above. Special
emphasis is placed on acquisitions from Africa, particularly primary sources, i.e., government publications, newspapers,
scholarly works, and creative writing.
3. Chronological periods covered by the collection in terms of intellectual content, movements or schools, and
specific periods excluded, as appropriate: ASL collects materials dealing with the entire history of Africa from first
human populations to the present day. Certain periods in selected geographic areas are excluded because they are covered
by other subject funds, e.g., ancient Egypt and Roman North Africa.
4. Chronological periods collected in terms of publication dates, and specific periods excluded, as
appropriate: ASL acquisitions emphasize current publications. Historical publications are acquired selectively.
As an interdisciplinary collection within a geographic area, ASL collects in nearly all subject areas. Primary subject areas are
determined by the following Library of Congress call number ranges:
BL 2400-2490 African Religions
BP 64 Islam in Africa
BR 1360-1470 Christianity in Africa
BV 3500-3630 Missions in Africa
DT African History
GB 330-378 African Geography
GN 493.4
GN 643-661
GN 861-865
African Ethnography, Anthropology, and Archaeology
GR 350-360 African Folklore
HC 501-591
HC 800-1085
African Economic Conditions
HD 8771-8839 Labor in Africa
HN 771-840 African Social History
JQ 1870-3981
JS 7531-7829
JX 1021-1145
Politics and Government
KQ, KR, KS, KT Law in Africa -by country/area
LA 1500-2090 Education in Africa
N see Art History
PJ 9001-9293 Semitic languages spoken in Africa, including Arabic, Somali and Ethiopian languages
PL 8000-8844 African Languages and Literature
PQ 3949-3989 African Literature in French
PR 9340-9399 African Literature in English
Boston University
Collection Development Policies. African Studies
BU Libraries |Services |Collection Development Policies |African Studies
http://www.bu.edu/library/collections/cdafr.html[7/25/11 5:35:59 PM]
communities of African descent, such as the Gullah and the Black Nova Scotians. The primary focus is on Africa south of
the Sahara, although North Africa is also represented.
ASL collects material on Africa published anywhere in the world, within the language policies described above. Special
emphasis is placed on acquisitions from Africa, particularly primary sources, i.e., government publications, newspapers,
scholarly works, and creative writing.
3. Chronological periods covered by the collection in terms of intellectual content, movements or schools, and
specific periods excluded, as appropriate: ASL collects materials dealing with the entire history of Africa from first
human populations to the present day. Certain periods in selected geographic areas are excluded because they are covered
by other subject funds, e.g., ancient Egypt and Roman North Africa.
4. Chronological periods collected in terms of publication dates, and specific periods excluded, as
appropriate: ASL acquisitions emphasize current publications. Historical publications are acquired selectively.
As an interdisciplinary collection within a geographic area, ASL collects in nearly all subject areas. Primary subject areas are
determined by the following Library of Congress call number ranges:
BL 2400-2490 African Religions
BP 64 Islam in Africa
BR 1360-1470 Christianity in Africa
BV 3500-3630 Missions in Africa
DT African History
GB 330-378 African Geography
GN 493.4
GN 643-661
GN 861-865
African Ethnography, Anthropology, and Archaeology
GR 350-360 African Folklore
HC 501-591
HC 800-1085
African Economic Conditions
HD 8771-8839 Labor in Africa
HN 771-840 African Social History
JQ 1870-3981
JS 7531-7829
JX 1021-1145
Politics and Government
KQ, KR, KS, KT Law in Africa -by country/area
LA 1500-2090 Education in Africa
N see Art History
PJ 9001-9293 Semitic languages spoken in Africa, including Arabic, Somali and Ethiopian languages
PL 8000-8844 African Languages and Literature
PQ 3949-3989 African Literature in French
PR 9340-9399 African Literature in English