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Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies
Duke's Slavic Collection -Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies -LibGuides at Duke University
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At A Glance
Of the 6 million volumes currently
held by Duke University Library:
453,547 (or 3.5%) are part of
the Slavic collection.
Of that number 329,434
volumes are in Slavic
124,113 in Western
European languages.
By the terms of the existing
cooperative collection development
agreement between the members of
TRLN, Duke is responsible for
acquiring and providing access to
Ukrainian and Polish imprints while
the University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) develops a
comprehensive collection in Czech,
Slovak and Hungarian. In the case of
Russian-language materials, UNC-
CH is primarily responsible for
Russian history and literature
(particularly of the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries), while Duke
collects comprehensively in Soviet
and contemporary Russian/Eurasian
history, economics, and linguistics.
Search TRLN, a unified, electronic
catalog facilitates browsing and
borrowing of holdings across all of
members of the Triangle Research
Library Network (TRLN).
Duke University Libraries contains one of the oldest and most extensive Slavic collections
of all the academic libraries in the Southeastern United States. The bulk of the collection
relates to the former Soviet Union and its successor states in Eurasia and Eastern Europe,
that is, to the territories that share either a common Slavic linguistic heritage or a political
history with the lands and cultures of Slavic Eurasia. The Library's consortial
responsibilities vis-à-vis other institutional members of the Triangle Research Library
Network (TRLN), and the interests and support of Duke’s faculty, have laid the basis for
several significant collections, particularly in Russian visual culture and Polish studies.
2009 Duke-UNC Stats
Languages UNC/vol DUKE/vol TOTAL/vol
West European* 57,499 124,113 181,612
Russian 305,598 240,183 545,780
Czech 35,295 4,389 39,684
Polish 28,406 59,765 88,172
Slovak 9,845 642 10,487
Serbian 9,018 596 9,614
Bulgarian 8,908 1,896 10,804
Ukrainian 8,202 16,502 24,704
Croatian 7,322 1,562 8,884
Hungarian 5,698 1,076 6,774
Romanian 3,417 1,368 4,785
Belorussian 2,044 1,685 3,729
Macedonian 1,712 112 1,824
Slovenian 836 396 1,232
Yiddish 438 2,919 3,357
Estonian 427 187 614
Church Slavic 356 211 568
Albanian 343 136 479
Latvian 330 220 550
Lithuanian 293 246 539
Georgian 185 119 304
Armenian 169 667 836
Slavic (Other) 128 244 372
Moldavian 103 53 156
Bosnian 86 40 126
TOTAL VOLUMES: 486,655 459,329 945,984
*UNC: only D and P LC classes
Source: 2009 Title VI
Grant Application
Your Librarian
Ernest Zitser, Ph.D.
Contact Info:
230 Bostock/Perkins Library
Box 90195
Duke University
Durham NC 27708-0195
Phone: 919-660-5847
Fax: 919-668-3134
Spring 2010 Office Hours:
Thursdays, 1-3pm, 321C
Languages Bldg.
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