118 · Representative Documents: Collection Development Policies
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2008 UHM Library Collection Policy Statements
2008 Library Collection Policy Statements :Policies| University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
http://library.manoa.hawaii.edu/about/collection/policy2008.html[7/25/11 5:41:33 PM]
F. College of Education
G. College of Engineering
1. Civil and Environmental Engineering
2. Electrical Engineering
3. Mechanical Engineering
H. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
1. Animal Sciences
2. Family and Consumer Sciences
a. Family Resources
b. Apparel Product Design and Merchandising
3. Food Science and Human Nutrition
4. Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering
5. Natural Resources and Environmental Management
6. Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences
7. Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences
I. School of Architecture
J. School of Hawaiian Knowledge (see Special Collections)
K. School of Law
Law-related Materials
L. School of Medicine
1. Anatomy, Biochemistry and Physiology
2. Cell and Molecular Biology
3. Medical Technology
4. Medicine
5. Pharmacology
6. Public Health Sciences and Epidemiology
7. Speech Pathology and Audiology
M. School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene
1. Dental Hygiene
2. Nursing
N. School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology
O. School of Pacific and Asian Studies (see Asia Collection and Special
P. School of Social Work
Q. School of Travel Industry Management
R. Asia Collection
1. History of Asia Collection
2. General Asia Collection
3. China Collection
4. Japan Collection
5. Korea Collection
6. Philippine Collection
7. Russian Area Collection
8. South Asia Collection
9. Southeast Asia Collection
S. Special Collections
1. Hawaiian Collection
a. Hawaiian Collection, Manuscripts and Archives
2. Pacific Collection
3. Special Collections
4. Jean Charlot Collection
T. Archives and Manuscripts
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