116 · Representative Documents: Collection Development Policies
University of Florida
Secondary Areas of Collecting Responsibilities
Center for Jewish Studies
Page from ‘Moses’ Wien, 1924
Secondary areas of collecting responsibility in the realm of Jewish culture, and collections of
potential interest to academic programs beyond Jewish studies:
Ancient Near East Orientalia. Isolated works may be acquired in the context of supporting the study of
ancient Israel and its neighbors, Biblical archaeology and epigraphy, Hebrew Scriptures, or Hebrew and
Semitic linguistics. Titles acquired in this cognate category tend to be scholarly, multi-author collections
and festschriften transecting several subject disciplines and typically containing essays of Jewish interest.
Biography Genealogy. The Price Library generally attempts to retain individual and collective biography
and autobiography only of Jews active in the Jewish sphere of activity thus autobiographies and
biographies of Jews recognized for their contributions to the professions, the realms of entertainment,
sports, and the media, arts and sciences, or literature should typically be considered by other subject or
discipline-based bibliographers/selectors. Only commercially available genealogies and family histories are
routinely sought for acquisition by the Price Library, but privately-distributed materials related to Florida
Jewry may be sought and retained.
Creative writing with Jewish themes or characters. Although the Price Library has a rather dated collection
of American and German novels with Jewish content, responsibility for collecting newer Jewish creative
writing (broadly interpreted to include both books by Jewish authors and books by non-Jews with Jewish
themes) resides with bibliographers/selectors attached to the appropriate national literature of the world.
The Price Library will have primary responsibility for original creative writing in Hebrew or Yiddish as well
as translations of same into English. Research literature on the delineation of the Jewish stereotype in
literature and film, or studies of Jewish writers as a class, continue to be acquired by Price.
Hebrew and Yiddish theatre history.
Jewish art history Jewish liturgical objects and ritual art Synagogue architecture Sepulchral monuments.
Note: "Secular" art that is, works with little no Jewish content by individual Jewish or Israeli artists,
regardless of media, are collected by the Architecture and Fine Arts Library.
Jewish education. The Price Library collection will stress the history and development of Jewish education,
religious and secular, at all levels and in all countries of the world. Curricular materials intended for
professional educators, and textbooks for school use, are not collected, nor are audio-visual materials for
classroom or recreational use.
Jewish folklore, tales, proverbs, humor.
Jewish law. The Legal Information Center often duplicates English-language material in this area. Israeli
civil and criminal law is the responsibility of the Legal Information Center.
Jewish medicine Jewish medical law Medical ethics.
Jewish music. The Price Library collection emphasizes the history and criticism of Jewish sacred or
popular music, ballads, and folk music. Although Price retains some basic music anthologies and hymnals
in book form, sound recordings, tapes, and musical scores for advanced students and musicians are
organized by the Music library. American Yiddish sheet music is held by the Belknap Collection for the
Performing Arts (Dept. of Special Collections).
Jewish numismatics. Only modest selections of monographs and standard catalogs are made, together
with the primary periodicals in English.
Jewish philately. Only modest selections of monographs and standard catalogs are made.
Jewish onomastics Jewish epigraphy.
Jewish press history. An extensive collection of anniversary issues of newspapers and journals is
Jewish printing and publishing history Book arts manuscripts. Although neither bibliophilic nor limited,
signed editions are routinely purchased, the Price Library supports an extensive collection devoted to
Jewish bibliography, Hebrew printing and typography, Jewish publishing, and library catalogs of Hebrew
Jewish sociology, i.e. attitudinal studies, demographic reports, voting behavior, intermarriage, assimilation,
identity, mobility, occupations, the Jewish woman, etc. Materials in English are stressed, but foreign
language works are often acquired within the context of community histories.
Semitics. Isolated works may be acquired in the context of supporting the study of Hebrew etymology,
linguistics, or Biblical studies.
George A. Smathers
Libraries The Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaicia
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University of Florida
Secondary Areas of Collecting Responsibilities
Center for Jewish Studies
Page from ‘Moses’ Wien, 1924
Secondary areas of collecting responsibility in the realm of Jewish culture, and collections of
potential interest to academic programs beyond Jewish studies:
Ancient Near East Orientalia. Isolated works may be acquired in the context of supporting the study of
ancient Israel and its neighbors, Biblical archaeology and epigraphy, Hebrew Scriptures, or Hebrew and
Semitic linguistics. Titles acquired in this cognate category tend to be scholarly, multi-author collections
and festschriften transecting several subject disciplines and typically containing essays of Jewish interest.
Biography Genealogy. The Price Library generally attempts to retain individual and collective biography
and autobiography only of Jews active in the Jewish sphere of activity thus autobiographies and
biographies of Jews recognized for their contributions to the professions, the realms of entertainment,
sports, and the media, arts and sciences, or literature should typically be considered by other subject or
discipline-based bibliographers/selectors. Only commercially available genealogies and family histories are
routinely sought for acquisition by the Price Library, but privately-distributed materials related to Florida
Jewry may be sought and retained.
Creative writing with Jewish themes or characters. Although the Price Library has a rather dated collection
of American and German novels with Jewish content, responsibility for collecting newer Jewish creative
writing (broadly interpreted to include both books by Jewish authors and books by non-Jews with Jewish
themes) resides with bibliographers/selectors attached to the appropriate national literature of the world.
The Price Library will have primary responsibility for original creative writing in Hebrew or Yiddish as well
as translations of same into English. Research literature on the delineation of the Jewish stereotype in
literature and film, or studies of Jewish writers as a class, continue to be acquired by Price.
Hebrew and Yiddish theatre history.
Jewish art history Jewish liturgical objects and ritual art Synagogue architecture Sepulchral monuments.
Note: "Secular" art that is, works with little no Jewish content by individual Jewish or Israeli artists,
regardless of media, are collected by the Architecture and Fine Arts Library.
Jewish education. The Price Library collection will stress the history and development of Jewish education,
religious and secular, at all levels and in all countries of the world. Curricular materials intended for
professional educators, and textbooks for school use, are not collected, nor are audio-visual materials for
classroom or recreational use.
Jewish folklore, tales, proverbs, humor.
Jewish law. The Legal Information Center often duplicates English-language material in this area. Israeli
civil and criminal law is the responsibility of the Legal Information Center.
Jewish medicine Jewish medical law Medical ethics.
Jewish music. The Price Library collection emphasizes the history and criticism of Jewish sacred or
popular music, ballads, and folk music. Although Price retains some basic music anthologies and hymnals
in book form, sound recordings, tapes, and musical scores for advanced students and musicians are
organized by the Music library. American Yiddish sheet music is held by the Belknap Collection for the
Performing Arts (Dept. of Special Collections).
Jewish numismatics. Only modest selections of monographs and standard catalogs are made, together
with the primary periodicals in English.
Jewish philately. Only modest selections of monographs and standard catalogs are made.
Jewish onomastics Jewish epigraphy.
Jewish press history. An extensive collection of anniversary issues of newspapers and journals is
Jewish printing and publishing history Book arts manuscripts. Although neither bibliophilic nor limited,
signed editions are routinely purchased, the Price Library supports an extensive collection devoted to
Jewish bibliography, Hebrew printing and typography, Jewish publishing, and library catalogs of Hebrew
Jewish sociology, i.e. attitudinal studies, demographic reports, voting behavior, intermarriage, assimilation,
identity, mobility, occupations, the Jewish woman, etc. Materials in English are stressed, but foreign
language works are often acquired within the context of community histories.
Semitics. Isolated works may be acquired in the context of supporting the study of Hebrew etymology,
linguistics, or Biblical studies.
George A. Smathers
Libraries The Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaicia
Staff web Departments RSS Conduct In the library Privacy policy Employment Site index
Send suggestions and comments to the library web manager.
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Last updated October 12, 2010 -mwd