SPEC Kit 324: Collecting Global Resources · 59
Online review and selection.
Out-of-print search services.
Print and electronic catalogs any evaluative information. Discount service for expensive multi-volume sets (Japan has
a fixed-price policy). Translation service for electronic database contracts (Japanese database vendors may not have
English contract). Faster shipping service.
Requesting a vendor to seek for categories of materials rather than specific titles to fill out a collection.
“Slip” notification programs by email (not print).
Vendors with subject expertise recommend purchases based upon librarian requests.
In most cases, these services are not “deal-breakers” and most of our foreign vendors don’t currently supply MARC
records or shelf-ready services. We are very eager to take advantage of more services. Quality of selection and offerings
are the overriding criteria.
Please briefly describe the “Other outsourcing services.” N=3
Establish priority preference for digitized versions of specific works and expecting vendor to acquire them or digitize
South Asian Studies: We favor the notion of outsourced original cataloging, but have done little by way of
implementation so far.
We have begun to use contracted cataloging services for certain languages, but this is independent from acquisitions.
20. Does your library participate in any consortia or cooperative collection initiatives (such as the
Global Resources Network and the Area Microform Projects) that are managed by the Center for
Research Libraries (CRL)? N=68
Yes 51 75%
No 17 25%
21. Does your library participate in any other consortia or cooperative initiatives primarily for the
purpose of collecting global resources? N=68
Yes 44 65%
No 24 35%
Online review and selection.
Out-of-print search services.
Print and electronic catalogs any evaluative information. Discount service for expensive multi-volume sets (Japan has
a fixed-price policy). Translation service for electronic database contracts (Japanese database vendors may not have
English contract). Faster shipping service.
Requesting a vendor to seek for categories of materials rather than specific titles to fill out a collection.
“Slip” notification programs by email (not print).
Vendors with subject expertise recommend purchases based upon librarian requests.
In most cases, these services are not “deal-breakers” and most of our foreign vendors don’t currently supply MARC
records or shelf-ready services. We are very eager to take advantage of more services. Quality of selection and offerings
are the overriding criteria.
Please briefly describe the “Other outsourcing services.” N=3
Establish priority preference for digitized versions of specific works and expecting vendor to acquire them or digitize
South Asian Studies: We favor the notion of outsourced original cataloging, but have done little by way of
implementation so far.
We have begun to use contracted cataloging services for certain languages, but this is independent from acquisitions.
20. Does your library participate in any consortia or cooperative collection initiatives (such as the
Global Resources Network and the Area Microform Projects) that are managed by the Center for
Research Libraries (CRL)? N=68
Yes 51 75%
No 17 25%
21. Does your library participate in any other consortia or cooperative initiatives primarily for the
purpose of collecting global resources? N=68
Yes 44 65%
No 24 35%