SPEC Kit 324: Collecting Global Resources · 65
this problem. This is one of the reasons that our traditional monograph collections are so unpopular. We are currently
expanding our annex.
Fluctuating foreign exchange. Drop in US dollar. Budget reductions.
Funding for acquisitions: we regularly analyze and prioritize in our selections, and report efficiencies based on those
decisions, in order to demonstrate value to campus decision-makers. Language support: we have hired support staff
as possible to allow local processing and cataloging of international publications. Change in regional focus: through
liaison, we track faculty interests and adjust our selection decisions accordingly.
Funding is always a challenge. In some subject areas, there has not been much available in electronic format, although
that is slowly changing.
Funding. Combination of language skills with disciplinary expertise.
Funding. Language. Lack of availability of cataloging for some titles.
Global resources are becoming more abundant and more expensive balancing long-term research needs and immediate
needs with limited funding synchronizing digital initiatives and online discovery tools (Asian Library). Search for outside
Global resources support small, non-research areas/programs on campus. The challenge has been to find and maintain
funding for what is considered “peripheral” resources.
Hiring personnel: both professional and staff levels with language competency. Non-Roman alphabet access to
Identifying and establishing working relationships with vendors with electronic slips, ordering, and invoicing systems
handling foreign-published materials in target areas. We are regularly reviewing possibilities.
In addition to the difficulty of recruiting librarians with sufficient education, experience, and language skills to select
materials in some of these areas, there is also the difficulty of recruiting librarians to catalog the materials we acquire.
We sometimes take a team approach, with a reference librarian or graduate student with appropriate language skills
assisting cataloging staff. We have also experimented with outsourcing cataloging of some of our Southeast Asian
materials, with mixed results, so this has never advanced beyond the trial period.
Increasing cost and currency fluctuations: fortunately, the private funding has been increased to cover increasing cost
of materials. Unfilled orders: we review unfilled orders as Classics Library staffing permits and order from other sources.
Lack of first-rate bibliographic information on Greek materials: we try to verify the bibliographic information in OCLC if
at all possible. Otherwise, we are forced to use the vendor provided data which may not always includes series and may
use entries that do not follow Library of Congress formulations.
Islamic Studies/Middle Eastern Studies: Lack of funding. Vendor supplied data (MARC and other catalog records for
print &digital material). Slavic &East European studies: Avoiding duplication Focusing on historic strengths. South
Asian Studies: Original cataloging proceeds slowly, with student input and professional finalization. Budget woes. Big-
ticket purchases require buy-in from many sides. Unnecessary duplication due to programs such as LC’s—distribute
collecting responsibilities for better national coverage.
Lack of funding.
Lack of infrastructure to share selection information before purchase. Lack of central authority to drive cooperation (UC
groups being established to coordinate more). Cost of cataloging unique items.
Lack of money x 3. Endowment has been established, grown.
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