ARL Statistics Questionnaire · 95
electronic materials expenditures you believe not to be covered by these questions. Many expenditures recorded in
these questions should have been included in Question 20, total library expenditures.
Question 21. One-time electronic resource purchases. Report expenditures that are not current serials (i.e. are non-
subscription, one-time, or monographic in nature) for software and machine-readable materials considered part of
the collections. Examples include periodical backfiles, literature collections, one-time costs for JSTOR membership,
etc. Expenditures reported here may be derived from any of the following categories: Monographs (Q15a), Other
Library Materials (Q15c), Miscellaneous (Q15d), or Other Operating Expenditures (Q19).
Question 22. Ongoing electronic resource purchases. Report subscription expenditures (or those which are expected to
be ongoing commitments) for serial publications whose primary format is electronic and for online searches of remote
databases such as OCLC FirstSearch, DIALOG, Lexis-Nexis, etc. Examples include paid subscriptions for electronic
journals and indexes/abstracts available via the Internet, CD-ROM serials, and annual access fees for resources purchased
on a “one-time” basis, such as literature collections, JSTOR membership, etc. Not all items whose expenditures are
counted here will be included in Serial titles currently received (Question 4) or Serials Expenditures (Question 15b).
Q23. Bibliographic Utilities, Networks, and Consortia. Because it is increasingly common for ARL Libraries to enter
into consortial arrangements to purchase access to electronic resources, both “Library” and “External” expenditure
blanks and instructions are provided. Please use afootnote to describe expenditures that you believe are not covered by
the question, or situations that do not seem to fit the instructions.
Q23a. From internal library sources. Report expenditures paid by the Library for services provided by national,
regional, and local bibliographic utilities, networks, and consortia, such as OCLC and RLG, unless for user database
access and subscriptions, which should be reported in Questions 21 or 22. Include only expenditures that are part of
Other Operating Expenditures (Q19).
Q23b. From external sources. If your library receives access to computer files, electronic serials or search services
through one or more centrally-funded system or consortial arrangements for which it does not pay fully and/or directly
(for example, funding is provided by the state on behalf of all members), enter the amount paid by external bodies on its
behalf. If the specific dollar amount is not known, but the total student FTE for the consortium and amount spent for the
academic members are known, divide the overall amount spent by your institution’s share of the total student FTE.
Q24. Computer hardware and software. Report expenditures from the library budget for computer hardware and
software used to support library operations, whether purchased or leased, mainframe or microcomputer, and whether
for staff or public use. Include expenditures for: maintenance equipment used to run information service products
when those expenditures can be separated from the price of the product telecommunications infrastructure costs, such
as wiring, hubs, routers, etc. Include only expenditures that are part of Other Operating Expenditures (Q19).
Q25. Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan. Report expenditures for document delivery and interlibrary loan services
(both borrowing and lending). Include fees paid for photocopies, costs of telefacsimile transmission, royalties and
access fees paid to provide document delivery or interlibrary loan. Include fees paid to bibliographic utilities if the
portion paid for interlibrary loan can be separately counted. Include only expenditures that are part of Miscellaneous
Materials Expenditures (Q15d) or Other Operating Expenditures (Q19), and only for those ILL/DD programs with data
recorded in Questions 34-35.
Questions 26. Personnel. Report the number of FTE (full-time equivalent) staff in filled positions, or positions that are
only temporarily vacant. ARL defines temporarily vacant positions as positions that were vacated during the fiscal year
for which ARL data were submitted, for which there is a firm intent to refill, and for which there are expenditures for
electronic materials expenditures you believe not to be covered by these questions. Many expenditures recorded in
these questions should have been included in Question 20, total library expenditures.
Question 21. One-time electronic resource purchases. Report expenditures that are not current serials (i.e. are non-
subscription, one-time, or monographic in nature) for software and machine-readable materials considered part of
the collections. Examples include periodical backfiles, literature collections, one-time costs for JSTOR membership,
etc. Expenditures reported here may be derived from any of the following categories: Monographs (Q15a), Other
Library Materials (Q15c), Miscellaneous (Q15d), or Other Operating Expenditures (Q19).
Question 22. Ongoing electronic resource purchases. Report subscription expenditures (or those which are expected to
be ongoing commitments) for serial publications whose primary format is electronic and for online searches of remote
databases such as OCLC FirstSearch, DIALOG, Lexis-Nexis, etc. Examples include paid subscriptions for electronic
journals and indexes/abstracts available via the Internet, CD-ROM serials, and annual access fees for resources purchased
on a “one-time” basis, such as literature collections, JSTOR membership, etc. Not all items whose expenditures are
counted here will be included in Serial titles currently received (Question 4) or Serials Expenditures (Question 15b).
Q23. Bibliographic Utilities, Networks, and Consortia. Because it is increasingly common for ARL Libraries to enter
into consortial arrangements to purchase access to electronic resources, both “Library” and “External” expenditure
blanks and instructions are provided. Please use afootnote to describe expenditures that you believe are not covered by
the question, or situations that do not seem to fit the instructions.
Q23a. From internal library sources. Report expenditures paid by the Library for services provided by national,
regional, and local bibliographic utilities, networks, and consortia, such as OCLC and RLG, unless for user database
access and subscriptions, which should be reported in Questions 21 or 22. Include only expenditures that are part of
Other Operating Expenditures (Q19).
Q23b. From external sources. If your library receives access to computer files, electronic serials or search services
through one or more centrally-funded system or consortial arrangements for which it does not pay fully and/or directly
(for example, funding is provided by the state on behalf of all members), enter the amount paid by external bodies on its
behalf. If the specific dollar amount is not known, but the total student FTE for the consortium and amount spent for the
academic members are known, divide the overall amount spent by your institution’s share of the total student FTE.
Q24. Computer hardware and software. Report expenditures from the library budget for computer hardware and
software used to support library operations, whether purchased or leased, mainframe or microcomputer, and whether
for staff or public use. Include expenditures for: maintenance equipment used to run information service products
when those expenditures can be separated from the price of the product telecommunications infrastructure costs, such
as wiring, hubs, routers, etc. Include only expenditures that are part of Other Operating Expenditures (Q19).
Q25. Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan. Report expenditures for document delivery and interlibrary loan services
(both borrowing and lending). Include fees paid for photocopies, costs of telefacsimile transmission, royalties and
access fees paid to provide document delivery or interlibrary loan. Include fees paid to bibliographic utilities if the
portion paid for interlibrary loan can be separately counted. Include only expenditures that are part of Miscellaneous
Materials Expenditures (Q15d) or Other Operating Expenditures (Q19), and only for those ILL/DD programs with data
recorded in Questions 34-35.
Questions 26. Personnel. Report the number of FTE (full-time equivalent) staff in filled positions, or positions that are
only temporarily vacant. ARL defines temporarily vacant positions as positions that were vacated during the fiscal year
for which ARL data were submitted, for which there is a firm intent to refill, and for which there are expenditures for