106 · ARL Statistics 2006–2007
15d $205,247 for Tempe and Downtown Campuses includes: Conservation/Preservation, $14,436 ILL/Document Delivery, $39,891
Memberships for purposes of publications, $113,191 uncataloged library staff office book, $114 Downtown Phoenix Campus
Opening Day Processing charges, $37,615.
All figures are as of 09/30/2007.
Includes the Library of Architecture, Design and Construction, and the Cary Veterinary Medical Library.
4 While this data appears to show a significant increase for Auburn, our 2005 06 data was inadvertently under reported for serial
titles. The data for the current year is similar to data reported for 2004 05 and for previous years. The greatest discrepancy is for
4b (serials titles received but not purchased). Auburn reported 18,563 for this category in 2004-2005, but only 8,622 in 2005-2006.
Approximately 46% of the serials had ISSNs.
12 Increase this year is due to the addition of over 104,000 titles in the Naxos Music Library.
22 Increase in electronic purchases reflects the number of journals moved from paper subscriptions to online only subscriptions.
28 The main library has been operating on a 24 x 5 schedule during this year, which accounts for the increased hours.
Includes Mugar Library, Theology Library, Gotlieb Archival Library, and the Health Science and Law Libraries. The Alumni Medical
library is reported with the Health Science Library.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 2,449,557.
9 Mugar is excluded from this number. It does include Theology and Gotlieb Archival.
38 The number of faculty denotes all full time faculty not just full time instructional faculty.
All figures are as of 05/30/2007.
Includes the John J. Burns Library of Rare Books and Special Collections, Bapst Library, School of Social Work Library, and
Educational Resource Center.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 2,413,534. We recalculated the volumes held to include the new definition of e books.
2 We purchased 1,689 e books that fit the NetLibrary Model: #1 Blackwell Reference Online with 277 titles, #2 PsycBooks with 1,400
titles, #3 Business Plans Handbook with 11 titles, and #4 Encyclopaedia of Judaica with 1 title.
4-4a Number reflects elimination of duplication as per instructions.
4b Number reflects more accurate count.
15a Our monograph expenditures include $6,392 for e monographs that don’t meet the ARL definition of e monograph but that are not
counted elsewhere. Expenditures for e monographs do not include access fees.
15d Enhanced accounting allowed us this year to accurately account for miscellaneous expenditures.
2 23a Lower expenditures for 2006-07 reflects contracting directly with OCLC via our local consortium.
All figures are as of 12/31/2006.
4 This figure does not include non ISSN print titles that could not be easily resolved as to whether they fit the serial titles definition
description in the instructions. The serials totals reported here were estimated from counts determined at the end of 2007 and will
be reported in the next ARL Statistics Survey.
4ai Electronic serials figures taken primarily from de-duped list with or without ISSN from SFX.
All figures are as of 03/31/2007.
Includes the Applied Sciences, Archaeology, Architecture, Asian, Biomedical Branch, Bnai Brith, Botanical Gardens, Coolie Verner,
Crane, David Lam Management, Education, Fine Arts, First Nations House of Learning (Xwi7xwa), Geographic IC, Hamber, ICICS/
Computer Science, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Koerner, Law, LERC, MacMillan, Math, Museum of Anthropology, Music,
Okanagan, Psychiatry, Psychoed R&T Centre, Rare Books &Special Collections, Regent Carey College, Robson Square, Science &
Engineering, St. Mark’s College, St. Paul’s Hospital, TAG, TRIUMF, University Archives, Vancouver School of Theology, Visual
Resources Centre,Womens’ Resources Centre, Women’s’ Studies, Woodward libraries.
UBCO Campus: figures are included for a full 12 month period for the first time (note: 2005 06 figures were included for a partial
year of operation only). Some unusual changes in the figures reflect the growth in resources and staffing at this rapidly growing
1b Fewer additions due to fewer e-books in the catalogue than 2006.
15d $205,247 for Tempe and Downtown Campuses includes: Conservation/Preservation, $14,436 ILL/Document Delivery, $39,891
Memberships for purposes of publications, $113,191 uncataloged library staff office book, $114 Downtown Phoenix Campus
Opening Day Processing charges, $37,615.
All figures are as of 09/30/2007.
Includes the Library of Architecture, Design and Construction, and the Cary Veterinary Medical Library.
4 While this data appears to show a significant increase for Auburn, our 2005 06 data was inadvertently under reported for serial
titles. The data for the current year is similar to data reported for 2004 05 and for previous years. The greatest discrepancy is for
4b (serials titles received but not purchased). Auburn reported 18,563 for this category in 2004-2005, but only 8,622 in 2005-2006.
Approximately 46% of the serials had ISSNs.
12 Increase this year is due to the addition of over 104,000 titles in the Naxos Music Library.
22 Increase in electronic purchases reflects the number of journals moved from paper subscriptions to online only subscriptions.
28 The main library has been operating on a 24 x 5 schedule during this year, which accounts for the increased hours.
Includes Mugar Library, Theology Library, Gotlieb Archival Library, and the Health Science and Law Libraries. The Alumni Medical
library is reported with the Health Science Library.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 2,449,557.
9 Mugar is excluded from this number. It does include Theology and Gotlieb Archival.
38 The number of faculty denotes all full time faculty not just full time instructional faculty.
All figures are as of 05/30/2007.
Includes the John J. Burns Library of Rare Books and Special Collections, Bapst Library, School of Social Work Library, and
Educational Resource Center.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 2,413,534. We recalculated the volumes held to include the new definition of e books.
2 We purchased 1,689 e books that fit the NetLibrary Model: #1 Blackwell Reference Online with 277 titles, #2 PsycBooks with 1,400
titles, #3 Business Plans Handbook with 11 titles, and #4 Encyclopaedia of Judaica with 1 title.
4-4a Number reflects elimination of duplication as per instructions.
4b Number reflects more accurate count.
15a Our monograph expenditures include $6,392 for e monographs that don’t meet the ARL definition of e monograph but that are not
counted elsewhere. Expenditures for e monographs do not include access fees.
15d Enhanced accounting allowed us this year to accurately account for miscellaneous expenditures.
2 23a Lower expenditures for 2006-07 reflects contracting directly with OCLC via our local consortium.
All figures are as of 12/31/2006.
4 This figure does not include non ISSN print titles that could not be easily resolved as to whether they fit the serial titles definition
description in the instructions. The serials totals reported here were estimated from counts determined at the end of 2007 and will
be reported in the next ARL Statistics Survey.
4ai Electronic serials figures taken primarily from de-duped list with or without ISSN from SFX.
All figures are as of 03/31/2007.
Includes the Applied Sciences, Archaeology, Architecture, Asian, Biomedical Branch, Bnai Brith, Botanical Gardens, Coolie Verner,
Crane, David Lam Management, Education, Fine Arts, First Nations House of Learning (Xwi7xwa), Geographic IC, Hamber, ICICS/
Computer Science, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Koerner, Law, LERC, MacMillan, Math, Museum of Anthropology, Music,
Okanagan, Psychiatry, Psychoed R&T Centre, Rare Books &Special Collections, Regent Carey College, Robson Square, Science &
Engineering, St. Mark’s College, St. Paul’s Hospital, TAG, TRIUMF, University Archives, Vancouver School of Theology, Visual
Resources Centre,Womens’ Resources Centre, Women’s’ Studies, Woodward libraries.
UBCO Campus: figures are included for a full 12 month period for the first time (note: 2005 06 figures were included for a partial
year of operation only). Some unusual changes in the figures reflect the growth in resources and staffing at this rapidly growing
1b Fewer additions due to fewer e-books in the catalogue than 2006.