Footnotes · 107
4-4a New methodology: serials title count.
4aii We probably undercounted print/microforms.
4bii New methodology applied as much as possible: unique serial titles.
8 Decrease in CD-ROMs DVD-ROMs.
15a Increase in expenditure allocation for monographs full year of UBCO collections budget. Increase in value of Canadian Dollar
expenditures increase does not match volume increase because volumes/e-books are not yet in catalogue.
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $3,650,502 (15b) $12,061,971 (15c) $817,186 (15d) $418,256 (15) $16,947,915
(16) $201,672 (17a) $8,531,577 (17b) $7,199,592 (17c) $773,588 (17) $16,504,757 (19) $3,556,528 (20) $37,210,872 (21) $132,366 (22)
$7,824,961 (23a) $380,284 (23b) $0 (24) $295,812 (25) $166,901.
17a Increase due to significant signing bonus for all staff full year of UBCO staffing.
17b Percentage decrease does not match percentage decrease in FTE because of significant increase in salary for all staff (signing bonus
plus percentage increase.
17c Decrease due to fewer student assistants employed and Learning Commons being under construction (IKBLC).
20 Increase due to full year of operations at UBCO and salary increases for all staff, including signing bonus (over $2,500 per
23a Increase in catalogue support due to shelf ready program with 3 main vendors ($291,300).
24 Includes Serials Solutions, Nesstar, Ex Libris, Endeavor, hardware.
26a UBCO: full year of operations.
26b Decrease due to continuation of shift in staff numbers from CUPE employee group to management/professional employee group.
Includes: Rockefeller Library, Sciences Library, John Hay Library, Orwig Music Library, Art Slide Library, Library Collections Annex,
and John Carter Brown Library.
Medical library statistics cannot be disaggregated from the main because the medical collection is an integral part of the Sciences
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 3,647,977. Figure reflects the addition of batch loads for 79,033 e-books.
2 Figure includes 17,098 e-books.
15c Beginning with 2006-07, better data available to differentiate expenditures for other materials (previously included in monograph
expenditures by default).
29 2006 07 change in campus wide orientation program reduced the number of Library tours, etc.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 10,537,586. The substantial one time increase to this line largely reflects the first time
inclusion in our ARL count of cataloged electronic books owned or leased by UC Berkeley. The bulk of this number reflects 360,572
e-book volumes purchased collectively with University of California partner libraries (Acta Sanctorum, Literature Online, Oxford
Scholarship Online, Early English books Online, Eighteenth Century Collections Online, Safari Tech Books, Schillers Werke).
Additionally, the Berkeley campus has independently acquired 73,857 e-book volumes (netLibrary selections, World Bank E Library,
Humanities/History E Books Project, Oxford Scholarship Online Special Subjects, Congressional Hearings Retrospective A).
3 We used a combination of both physical and bibliographic counts to respond to this question. The source of our information for
supplying volume counts has historically been a physical count created by aggregating annual incremental reports by library unit
managers. However, this year e-books were added to the question, and we used a bibliographic count for these. Counts for e-books
acquired through collective purchase are generated by our system wide cataloging division. Counts for e-books acquired through
independent campus level purchase are derived from our local inventory managed by the Electronic Resources Librarian through
an Electronic Resource Finder or ERF.
4ai-4bii This represents a dramatic drop in the equivalent question for 2005 06 based on the new definition that counts only ‘titles’ and
requires de duplication efforts. Our method for generating a total number for serials relies upon a review of our OPAC. We were
able to de-duplicate holdings for multiple print titles, and holdings in which we had both an open holding statement for electronic
and print. We are unable to distinguish paid for and free active titles with our current method of generating the data so we entered
the totals in 4a and 4b and left 4b entries U/A.
Includes the Peter J. Shields Library and the Physical Sciences and Engineering Library.
4-4a New methodology: serials title count.
4aii We probably undercounted print/microforms.
4bii New methodology applied as much as possible: unique serial titles.
8 Decrease in CD-ROMs DVD-ROMs.
15a Increase in expenditure allocation for monographs full year of UBCO collections budget. Increase in value of Canadian Dollar
expenditures increase does not match volume increase because volumes/e-books are not yet in catalogue.
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $3,650,502 (15b) $12,061,971 (15c) $817,186 (15d) $418,256 (15) $16,947,915
(16) $201,672 (17a) $8,531,577 (17b) $7,199,592 (17c) $773,588 (17) $16,504,757 (19) $3,556,528 (20) $37,210,872 (21) $132,366 (22)
$7,824,961 (23a) $380,284 (23b) $0 (24) $295,812 (25) $166,901.
17a Increase due to significant signing bonus for all staff full year of UBCO staffing.
17b Percentage decrease does not match percentage decrease in FTE because of significant increase in salary for all staff (signing bonus
plus percentage increase.
17c Decrease due to fewer student assistants employed and Learning Commons being under construction (IKBLC).
20 Increase due to full year of operations at UBCO and salary increases for all staff, including signing bonus (over $2,500 per
23a Increase in catalogue support due to shelf ready program with 3 main vendors ($291,300).
24 Includes Serials Solutions, Nesstar, Ex Libris, Endeavor, hardware.
26a UBCO: full year of operations.
26b Decrease due to continuation of shift in staff numbers from CUPE employee group to management/professional employee group.
Includes: Rockefeller Library, Sciences Library, John Hay Library, Orwig Music Library, Art Slide Library, Library Collections Annex,
and John Carter Brown Library.
Medical library statistics cannot be disaggregated from the main because the medical collection is an integral part of the Sciences
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 3,647,977. Figure reflects the addition of batch loads for 79,033 e-books.
2 Figure includes 17,098 e-books.
15c Beginning with 2006-07, better data available to differentiate expenditures for other materials (previously included in monograph
expenditures by default).
29 2006 07 change in campus wide orientation program reduced the number of Library tours, etc.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 10,537,586. The substantial one time increase to this line largely reflects the first time
inclusion in our ARL count of cataloged electronic books owned or leased by UC Berkeley. The bulk of this number reflects 360,572
e-book volumes purchased collectively with University of California partner libraries (Acta Sanctorum, Literature Online, Oxford
Scholarship Online, Early English books Online, Eighteenth Century Collections Online, Safari Tech Books, Schillers Werke).
Additionally, the Berkeley campus has independently acquired 73,857 e-book volumes (netLibrary selections, World Bank E Library,
Humanities/History E Books Project, Oxford Scholarship Online Special Subjects, Congressional Hearings Retrospective A).
3 We used a combination of both physical and bibliographic counts to respond to this question. The source of our information for
supplying volume counts has historically been a physical count created by aggregating annual incremental reports by library unit
managers. However, this year e-books were added to the question, and we used a bibliographic count for these. Counts for e-books
acquired through collective purchase are generated by our system wide cataloging division. Counts for e-books acquired through
independent campus level purchase are derived from our local inventory managed by the Electronic Resources Librarian through
an Electronic Resource Finder or ERF.
4ai-4bii This represents a dramatic drop in the equivalent question for 2005 06 based on the new definition that counts only ‘titles’ and
requires de duplication efforts. Our method for generating a total number for serials relies upon a review of our OPAC. We were
able to de-duplicate holdings for multiple print titles, and holdings in which we had both an open holding statement for electronic
and print. We are unable to distinguish paid for and free active titles with our current method of generating the data so we entered
the totals in 4a and 4b and left 4b entries U/A.
Includes the Peter J. Shields Library and the Physical Sciences and Engineering Library.