110 · ARL Statistics 2006–2007
26b During 2005-06, Colorado State Libraries were in a state of reorganization. Filling of open positions was not determined until
reorganization was complete.
42 Reporting methodology change at University, numbers reported in 2005-06 were related to a census date, not IPEDs as specified.
Butler data includes The Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) and the Center for Digital Research
and Scholarship (CDRS).
1 9,196 e books added during 2006-07 June 30, 2007 total includes 329,958 e books. Includes 40,500 e books (Teachers College).
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 9,798,389. Restated to include 320,762 e books (Butler).
Adjusted from 2005-06 to include 504 e books (Teachers College).
2 Includes 9,196 e books (Butler).
4-4aii Included in Butler number (Barnard).
4ai Titles unique to Teachers College other titles overlap with (and are counted in) Butler Library stats.
4b All Teachers College free serial titles overlap with (and are counted in) Butler Library stats.
15d Includes costs associated with maintenance of collection (e.g., shipping, supplies, relocation, memberships).
21 Included in 22 (Teachers College).
25 ILL for Barnard handed through Butler office.
28 Barnard’s service hours are included in Butler count (92 for Barnard only, 107 total for Columbia).
Teachers College service hours included in Butler count (99 for Teachers College only, 107 total for Columbia).
Includes the Homer Babbidge Library, the Music &Dramatic Arts Library, the Thomas J Dodd Research Center and the Pharmacy
Library on the Storrs campus. It also includes the regional campus libraries located at Avery Point, Stamford (Jeremy Richards
Library), Torrington (Julia Brooker Thompson Library), Waterbury, and Hartford (Harleigh B. Trecker Library).
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 3,629,577.
1b Significant weeding projects at 2 locations contributed to a 29,497 volumes being withdrawn in 2006-07.
2 Of this figure, 5,917 are new e book purchases in 2006-07. UConn pays some amount for annual licensing and/or maintenance
for a total of 333,664 e books. The overall reduction in the number of monographs purchased from 2005-06 reflects an intentional
reduction in purchasing print resources, in favor of electronic.
4-4a This number is lower than in 2005-06 because of de-duplication.
4b This number is significantly higher than in 2005-06 because of an affirmative effort to include open access materials in our catalog
and holdings.
6 111,617 microforms were withdrawn in 2006-07.
8 In 2006-07 we made minor withdrawals of computer files (11).
11 In 2006-07 we made minor withdrawals of graphic materials (35).
17-18 Includes fringe benefits.
23a In 2006-07 we changed our vendor of bibliographic utilities from NELINET to BLC/OCLC, significantly reducing our costs. Because
of the switch over, we were only billed for 11 months of service for the year. During the same time, we received over $22,000 in
credits for the withdrawal of microform records from our collections.
31a 13,732 reference transactions were determined by actual transactions at some locations. 25,168 transactions were determined by
sampling at the remaining locations.
Includes the Adelson, Africana, Annex, Engineering, Entomology, Fine Arts, Hotel, Industrial &Labor Relations, Kroch (Asia
Collections), Kroch (Rare &Mss. Collections), Law, Management, Mann, Mathematics, Music, Olin, Physical Sciences, Uris, and
Veterinary Libraries on the Ithaca campus, and the New York Agricultural Experiment Station Library in Geneva NY.
Excludes the Medical College Library in New York, NY.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 7,881,668. Change from ending figure for 2005-06 reflects the fact that additional e books were
counted. Includes all e books with records in the online catalog. E book counts as of 10/2007.
3 Law Library’s counts are bibliographic.
4 Provided detailed information on method for counting serials. For more information see: http://libraryassessment.info/?cat=28.
9 Figure is in cubic feet.
26b During 2005-06, Colorado State Libraries were in a state of reorganization. Filling of open positions was not determined until
reorganization was complete.
42 Reporting methodology change at University, numbers reported in 2005-06 were related to a census date, not IPEDs as specified.
Butler data includes The Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) and the Center for Digital Research
and Scholarship (CDRS).
1 9,196 e books added during 2006-07 June 30, 2007 total includes 329,958 e books. Includes 40,500 e books (Teachers College).
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 9,798,389. Restated to include 320,762 e books (Butler).
Adjusted from 2005-06 to include 504 e books (Teachers College).
2 Includes 9,196 e books (Butler).
4-4aii Included in Butler number (Barnard).
4ai Titles unique to Teachers College other titles overlap with (and are counted in) Butler Library stats.
4b All Teachers College free serial titles overlap with (and are counted in) Butler Library stats.
15d Includes costs associated with maintenance of collection (e.g., shipping, supplies, relocation, memberships).
21 Included in 22 (Teachers College).
25 ILL for Barnard handed through Butler office.
28 Barnard’s service hours are included in Butler count (92 for Barnard only, 107 total for Columbia).
Teachers College service hours included in Butler count (99 for Teachers College only, 107 total for Columbia).
Includes the Homer Babbidge Library, the Music &Dramatic Arts Library, the Thomas J Dodd Research Center and the Pharmacy
Library on the Storrs campus. It also includes the regional campus libraries located at Avery Point, Stamford (Jeremy Richards
Library), Torrington (Julia Brooker Thompson Library), Waterbury, and Hartford (Harleigh B. Trecker Library).
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 3,629,577.
1b Significant weeding projects at 2 locations contributed to a 29,497 volumes being withdrawn in 2006-07.
2 Of this figure, 5,917 are new e book purchases in 2006-07. UConn pays some amount for annual licensing and/or maintenance
for a total of 333,664 e books. The overall reduction in the number of monographs purchased from 2005-06 reflects an intentional
reduction in purchasing print resources, in favor of electronic.
4-4a This number is lower than in 2005-06 because of de-duplication.
4b This number is significantly higher than in 2005-06 because of an affirmative effort to include open access materials in our catalog
and holdings.
6 111,617 microforms were withdrawn in 2006-07.
8 In 2006-07 we made minor withdrawals of computer files (11).
11 In 2006-07 we made minor withdrawals of graphic materials (35).
17-18 Includes fringe benefits.
23a In 2006-07 we changed our vendor of bibliographic utilities from NELINET to BLC/OCLC, significantly reducing our costs. Because
of the switch over, we were only billed for 11 months of service for the year. During the same time, we received over $22,000 in
credits for the withdrawal of microform records from our collections.
31a 13,732 reference transactions were determined by actual transactions at some locations. 25,168 transactions were determined by
sampling at the remaining locations.
Includes the Adelson, Africana, Annex, Engineering, Entomology, Fine Arts, Hotel, Industrial &Labor Relations, Kroch (Asia
Collections), Kroch (Rare &Mss. Collections), Law, Management, Mann, Mathematics, Music, Olin, Physical Sciences, Uris, and
Veterinary Libraries on the Ithaca campus, and the New York Agricultural Experiment Station Library in Geneva NY.
Excludes the Medical College Library in New York, NY.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 7,881,668. Change from ending figure for 2005-06 reflects the fact that additional e books were
counted. Includes all e books with records in the online catalog. E book counts as of 10/2007.
3 Law Library’s counts are bibliographic.
4 Provided detailed information on method for counting serials. For more information see: http://libraryassessment.info/?cat=28.
9 Figure is in cubic feet.