Footnotes · 109
23a Includes standard ongoing operating costs only.
23b Estimated.
35 Includes 458 requests filled by the Center for Research Libraries.
Includes the Main, Medical and Law libraries.
Excludes the Raymond Walters College and Clermont College libraries.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 3,338,153. Adjusted for retro cataloging of government docs (287 net) and for batch loads of
large e book collection records (128,699).
3 Historically based on bibliographic count. Additions and deletions are based on a physical count.
4 Provided detailed information on method for counting serials. For more information see:
26a-26b Smaller number due to budget reductions and layoffs.
36-38 These numbers represent the university’s numbers.
39-42 Incorrect numbers for the institution were provided in 2005-2006, when Institutional Research gave numbers including our two two
year colleges. They are excluded here.
All figures are as of 03/31/2007.
8 Starting in 2006 07, the count only includes items held locally.
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $575,724 (15b) $10,760,515 (15c) $395,978 (15d) $92,183 (15) $11,824,400
(16) NA/UA (17a) NA/UA (17b) NA/UA (17c) NA/UA (17) $20,609,000 (19) $17,623,600 (20) $50,057,000 (21) $395,978 (22)
$1,688,974 (23a) NA/UA (23b) NA/UA (24) $3,494,112 (25) NA/UA.
Excludes the Law Library.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 3,756,967. This number includes 115,871 ECCO e books that were batch loaded in 2006 07.
4 The large increase in serial count is due to the new ARL instructions/method for counting serials and better access to more accurate
numbers through Serials Solutions.
4bi Of this number, 12,658 are government-published serials, which are a mix of electronic and print, but we have no easy way of
separating out the counts.
7 Decrease due to the Government Publications Department retro cataloging some of these items, which are now being counted in
with the volume count.
11 Number rose dramatically due to the Archives Department acquiring a large collection of photos/negatives/slides during the 2006-
07 fiscal year
15d Miscellaneous Expenditures: electronic archiving $8,158., preservation (not incl. binding) $2,607.09 GPO shelflist service $4,759.55
III services $106,280 interlibrary loan $21,043.42, MARC record batches $15,600 memberships $144,146 (Alliance 88,566 CRL pd
07/08 GWLA 8,100+3,200 ARL 21,580 +SPARC 5,200 ICPRS 15,000 Heritage gateway 2,500) BCR $206,456 OPAC enhancements
$19,350 projects $98,596.06 storage (Boulder) $18,360, RLIN $999.53 Prospecter $4,500 shelf ready processing $1,385.90.
16 Count includes enclosures and other items purchased through the binding vendor, so this amount is different than one submitted
for the Preservation Department’s statistics.
23a All of these types of expenditure come out of our materials budget, so are not part of “other operating expenditures.”
27 Lower count reflects recent consolidation of service points. This count will be reduced even further for 2007-08.
31 Reference transactions are bit lower due to closure and move of business library during construction.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 2,003,690. Volumes held previously were adjusted due to a change in inventory reporting
1b Total number of withdrawals decreased. Additional acquisitions in Liberal Arts areas. Some volumes (Government Docs) are
included in the count received in previous years (unable to identify specific items).
9 Due to an increased outreach from the temporary University Archivist, a larger number of University archival collections have been
sent to the library from across campus. There were also additional materials related to the University agricultural archives.
15c Additional backfiles had been purchased with remaining floor recovery files during 2005-06.
16 Items requiring binding have decreased.
23a Includes standard ongoing operating costs only.
23b Estimated.
35 Includes 458 requests filled by the Center for Research Libraries.
Includes the Main, Medical and Law libraries.
Excludes the Raymond Walters College and Clermont College libraries.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 3,338,153. Adjusted for retro cataloging of government docs (287 net) and for batch loads of
large e book collection records (128,699).
3 Historically based on bibliographic count. Additions and deletions are based on a physical count.
4 Provided detailed information on method for counting serials. For more information see:
26a-26b Smaller number due to budget reductions and layoffs.
36-38 These numbers represent the university’s numbers.
39-42 Incorrect numbers for the institution were provided in 2005-2006, when Institutional Research gave numbers including our two two
year colleges. They are excluded here.
All figures are as of 03/31/2007.
8 Starting in 2006 07, the count only includes items held locally.
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $575,724 (15b) $10,760,515 (15c) $395,978 (15d) $92,183 (15) $11,824,400
(16) NA/UA (17a) NA/UA (17b) NA/UA (17c) NA/UA (17) $20,609,000 (19) $17,623,600 (20) $50,057,000 (21) $395,978 (22)
$1,688,974 (23a) NA/UA (23b) NA/UA (24) $3,494,112 (25) NA/UA.
Excludes the Law Library.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 3,756,967. This number includes 115,871 ECCO e books that were batch loaded in 2006 07.
4 The large increase in serial count is due to the new ARL instructions/method for counting serials and better access to more accurate
numbers through Serials Solutions.
4bi Of this number, 12,658 are government-published serials, which are a mix of electronic and print, but we have no easy way of
separating out the counts.
7 Decrease due to the Government Publications Department retro cataloging some of these items, which are now being counted in
with the volume count.
11 Number rose dramatically due to the Archives Department acquiring a large collection of photos/negatives/slides during the 2006-
07 fiscal year
15d Miscellaneous Expenditures: electronic archiving $8,158., preservation (not incl. binding) $2,607.09 GPO shelflist service $4,759.55
III services $106,280 interlibrary loan $21,043.42, MARC record batches $15,600 memberships $144,146 (Alliance 88,566 CRL pd
07/08 GWLA 8,100+3,200 ARL 21,580 +SPARC 5,200 ICPRS 15,000 Heritage gateway 2,500) BCR $206,456 OPAC enhancements
$19,350 projects $98,596.06 storage (Boulder) $18,360, RLIN $999.53 Prospecter $4,500 shelf ready processing $1,385.90.
16 Count includes enclosures and other items purchased through the binding vendor, so this amount is different than one submitted
for the Preservation Department’s statistics.
23a All of these types of expenditure come out of our materials budget, so are not part of “other operating expenditures.”
27 Lower count reflects recent consolidation of service points. This count will be reduced even further for 2007-08.
31 Reference transactions are bit lower due to closure and move of business library during construction.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 2,003,690. Volumes held previously were adjusted due to a change in inventory reporting
1b Total number of withdrawals decreased. Additional acquisitions in Liberal Arts areas. Some volumes (Government Docs) are
included in the count received in previous years (unable to identify specific items).
9 Due to an increased outreach from the temporary University Archivist, a larger number of University archival collections have been
sent to the library from across campus. There were also additional materials related to the University agricultural archives.
15c Additional backfiles had been purchased with remaining floor recovery files during 2005-06.
16 Items requiring binding have decreased.