Footnotes · 113
1 Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library corrected previous calculations. 2005-06 shows 130,056. Since the new instructions took effect,
we need to add 32,781 e-books to the 2006-07 total volumes held figure (1,766,172) for the Gelman Library system. Volumes held as
of June 30, 2007 revised to 2,197,644.
1b Health Sciences Library had major weeding project.
4 Health Sciences Library entered a corrected calculation.
4a This number will be higher than previous years even with de-duping because this year we’re including aggregated content
which wasn’t included before. De-duped content in SFX and de-duped e-journal subscriptions. We have NOT de-duped print
subscriptions with SFX yet this year.
4bi This is up due to an increase in Open Access journals linked to in SFX.
8 There were an unusually large number of government document withdrawals and transfers during 2006-07.
17c In 2006-07, the main library hired and retained more students than in 2005-06.
26b Includes 20 contract employees.
26c The student employee retention rate was higher for Main Library in 2006-07.
Includes Bioethics, Blommer Science Library, Qatar, and the Woodstock Theological Center Library.
1 Includes 388,983 e-books.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 2,877,562. Includes the addition of 388,983 e books.
1bii GovDocs did a lot of weeding before opening its collection to the public.
4-4a Increase due to change in method of counting serials.
15c-15d Decrease due to 2005-06 ECCO (e book collection) purchase now included in monograph expenditure.
17 The main branch reported 3,386,263 for 17a, 2,288,391 for 17b, and 498,378 for 17c. The Law branch reported 1,894,627 for 17a,
1,583,807 for 17b, and 280,468 for 17c. The Health branch did not report disaggregated totals for 17a and 17b, but reported 19,718 for
26b Assignment of CETS to registrar’s office resulted in loss of 10.55 FTE staff.
29-30 Increase due to more professors requesting Gelardin New Media Center staff teach video production and Web development to
students for classroom assignments.
Includes Law Library.
1 140,239 e-books that were not calculated in the total for 2005-06 have been added to this column.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 4,486,178. Number adjusted to include e-books.
2 Includes law purchase of 118,210 Eighteen Century Collection Online.
15c Number was reported in another area last year.
15d Number reported in another area last year. Categories include: Software Tools: Endnote and Refworks Bib. Utilities: Marchive
and Solinet Shipping &Handling Media Preservation Memberships (Serials &Acquisitions): ARL, CRL, LARRP, ASRL, SPARC,
Counter (Getsum shared), Southeastern Library Network, North GA Associated Libraries and CNI Literature Search Services:
Dialog Maintenance SFX: SFX and EJS Enhanced.
42 This number was recorded incorrectly in 2005-06.
Included: the Main and Architecture libraries.
All figures are as of 04/30/2007.
Includes the McLaughlin Library, Ontario Veterinary College Learning Commons, and the TriUniversity Storage Annex (Guelph
materials only).
1 This total does not include electronic books. The Library currently holds approximately 200,000 electronic books, ranging from large
suites (e.g. Early English Books Online, Eighteenth Century Collections Online etc.) to monographs purchased individually.
1a This total does not include electronic books. The Library currently holds approximately 200,000 electronic books, ranging from large
suites (e.g. Early English Books Online, Eighteenth Century Collections Online etc.) to monographs purchased individually.
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