116 · ARL Statistics 2006–2007
1bii In the process of moving materials to the library annex many, duplicate holdings were withdrawn.
4a, 4b New process and method of counting, so not comparable with previous totals.
36 We had a new doctorate program and students are starting to graduate from it. Part of the increases came in education and life
sciences, but there were small increases in many areas. We have fluctuated in the number of doctorates over the years. This is not an
area where we have a steady increase or decrease.
Included are Kent State branches (Ashtabula, Geauga, East Liverpool, Salem, Stark, Trumbull, and Tuscarawas) and campus
libraries: Architecture, Chemistry/Physics, Fashion, Map, Mathematics/Computer science, Music.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 3,456,336.
Included: Law and Medical library data.
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $2,697,414 (15b) $7,512,564 (15c) $165,812 (15d) $69,000 (15) $10,444,790
(16) $62,646 (17a) $3,622,258 (17b) $5,626,733 (17c) $516,445 (17) $9,765,436 (19) $528,736 (20) $20,801,608 (21) $409,171 (22)
$4,906,656 (23a) NA/UA (23b) NA/UA (24) NA/UA (25) $98,718.
16 All of our binding is made in house. These are expenses for material used by our bindery unit.
17c Not limited to students assistants. These are supernumerary employees and some of them are students.
26c Full Time equivalent of student employees and supernumerary employees.
33 A mistake was discovered on August 23, 2007 in our 2005-06 figures: we declared a total circulation of 627,177 and the correct figure
was 820,415 (the figure for renewals by Internet was not taken into account).
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 9,416,380.
4aii 179 print and 889 other formats.
6-7 Estimated 1.5% growth.
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) $663,060 (15b) $462,782 (15c) $353,105 (15d) $116,388 (15) $1,595,335 (16)
NA/UA (17a) $51,484,769 (17b) $19,706,483 (17c) $6,808,390 (17) $77,999,642 (19) NA/UA (20) $79,594,977 (21) NA/UA (22)
$33,599 (23a) NA/UA (23b) NA/UA (24) $30,928 (25) $990,954.
28 With professional staff.
All figures are as of 09/30/2007.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 29,361,867.
3 Does not include 2,557,654 volumes in the Law Library of Congress.
4 Actual figure is 147,706 (adjusted by 10,394 to account for duplication between electronic and print versions).
17a Total salaries and wages for professionals, support staff, and student assistants.
17b-17c Included in the category for professional staff.
Included: Main, Health, and Law libraries.
1a This number is revised to 3,524,926 to add the e-book records that were loaded in 2006-07 e-book packages: Netlibrary Library
(4,902), Evans Digital Editions, Early American Imprints Series 1 (1,068), Referex (401), Knovel (983), Memso (55), English Poetry
2nd Edition (4,982), Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw Shoemaker, 1801 1819 (38,094).
1bi This number comes from Cataloging, Database Management, Documents, Serials, &Special Collections.
1bii This number comes from Database Management and Documents. Higher this year because of duplicates withdrawn and selective
2 This number comes from 15,981 paper titles and 50,485 e books.
4 The increased figures result from two factors: (1) increased efforts to better capture data and (2) increased electronic serials.
4a1 Not included: Open Access titles and de duplication.
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