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Bibliometrics Seminar
Bibliometrics Seminar - D-Scholarship@Pitt
http://d-scholarship.pitt.edu/21657/[4/24/15, 1:31:17 PM]
several research library service models for support of research evaluation and assessment. Three of the featured speakers--from
academic libraries in the USA (Mayo), the UK (Rowlands), and Australia (Thomas)--discuss the development and operation of
such services in their organizations, noting the drivers for development, the process of setting up the service, and the impact of
the service on both the library and the institution. A faculty colleague (Larsen) talks about his needs for research assessment as
both a senior researcher and university manager. Presentation 1: "Providing a Library Metrics Service: a perspective from an
academic library within an Australian University" by Dr. Amberyn Thomas, Manager, Scholarly Publications, University of
Queensland, Australia. Presentation 2: "Library Research Services at the University of Leicester, UK" by Ian Rowlands, Research
Services Manager and University Bibliometrician, University of Leicester. Presentation 3: "Research Connection: Expertise to
Advance Your Success" by Alexa Mayo, MLS AHIP, Health Sciences and Human Services Library, University of Maryland,
Baltimore. Presentation 4: "Bibliometric Research Services - an iSchool Dean's Perspective" by Ronald L. Larsen, Dean and
Professor, School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh. The program for the event and a recording of the
presentations are also included.
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Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Other)
Creators Email ORCID
Thomas, Amberyn a.thomas@library.uq.edu.au
Rowlands, Ian ir46@le.ac.uk
Mayo, Alexa amayo@hshsl.umaryland.edu
Larsen, Ronald L. rlarsen@pitt.edu
Contribution Name Email ORCID
Organizer of meeting Webster, Berenika M bwebster@pitt.edu
Moderator Webster, Keith kwebster@andrew.cmu.edu
Title: Bibliometrics Seminar
On 22 May 2014, the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh, held a Bibliometrics
Seminar, a program detailing several research library service models for support of research
evaluation and assessment. Three of the featured speakers--from academic libraries in the USA
(Mayo), the UK (Rowlands), and Australia (Thomas)--discuss the development and operation of
such services in their organizations, noting the drivers for development, the process of setting up
the service, and the impact of the service on both the library and the institution. A faculty
colleague (Larsen) talks about his needs for research assessment as both a senior researcher
and university manager. Presentation 1: "Providing a Library Metrics Service: a perspective from
an academic library within an Australian University" by Dr. Amberyn Thomas, Manager, Scholarly
Publications, University of Queensland, Australia. Presentation 2: "Library Research Services at
the University of Leicester, UK" by Ian Rowlands, Research Services Manager and University
Bibliometrician, University of Leicester. Presentation 3: "Research Connection: Expertise to
Advance Your Success" by Alexa Mayo, MLS AHIP, Health Sciences and Human Services Library,
University of Maryland, Baltimore. Presentation 4: "Bibliometric Research Services - an iSchool
Dean's Perspective" by Ronald L. Larsen, Dean and Professor, School of Information Sciences,
University of Pittsburgh. The program for the event and a recording of the presentations are also
Date: 22 May 2014
No restriction; The work is available for access worldwide immediately.
Patent pending: No
Event Title: Bibliometrics Seminar
Event Location: University Library System, University of Pittsburgh
Event Dates:22 May 2014
Event Type: Other
Institution: University of Pittsburgh
Schools and
School of Information Sciences Information Science
libraries University Library System
Date Deposited: 23 May 2014 09:59
Last Modified: 04 Jun 2014 15:43
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