SPEC Kit 346: Scholarly Output Assessment Activities · 21
3. Does your library limit any of the above services to specific user groups (e.g., affiliated scholars or
researchers, specific departments, virtual or interdisciplinary research groups, administrative staff,
support staff, or student categories)? N=76
Yes, available services are limited to specific users 22 29%
No, all available services are offered to all users 54 71%
4. If services are limited to specific users, please briefly describe which users may use which services.
Affiliated scholars or researchers or their administrative/support staff
Current campus affiliates only
Department & school-level metrics typically requested by administrators and access limited to requestor and/or their
department or school.
Faculty, researchers, administrators, postdoc scholars, and graduate students
Full time professors, graduate students, high administration employees (VPs and vice-VP’s)
In the Medical Library, services are limited to authorized library users.
Library-provided resources have no limits, but Academic Analytics, provided by institutional research, is limited to deans.
Most services are available for all users but some services only available to faculty—particularly report generation
for individuals.
Publication reports generated for departments are often limited to faculty authors.
Repository usage data (article download information) is only available to authors whose work appears in one repository
collection, the collection housing articles under the Faculty Open Access Policy.
Research impact reports currently are only prepared to support grant applications.
Researchers whose primary affiliation is with the university.
Services are provided on an on-demand basis—there is no systematic program.
Students, faculty, and staff
Subject librarians have reported that they’ve worked with faculty. It may be that the service is available to all users, but
we haven’t marketed it in a concerted way.
There are services provided by the Biomedical Library that are restricted to faculty and researchers in the Medical Center
clusters; similarly the Law Library provides services for Law faculty, not available to all university faculty.
They are limited at the moment but being developed for all. There may be discipline specific services that we aren’t
taking into account here.
To clarify, services are limited to specific users in the sense that they are offered only by a small set of subject librarians
to faculty in departments whom they serve. Specific subject librarians know about and offer some of the information
listed above, while other subject librarians are not as well acquainted with some of the topics listed. Those librarians
who are familiar with these topics can assist their constituencies with them, while those subject librarians who are less
familiar with those topics cannot. There is no campus-wide suite of services designed for all faculty at this time.