52 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Via liaison librarians and the library newsletter
We do not yet have a program to promote. Services are provided on-demand.
We do not yet promote the scholarly output assessment activities and services; we fold these activities and services into
our overall scholarly communication program.
We have depended more on liaison contacts within their departments to proactively become aware of and take action
on any of these assessment needs rather than formal printed or electronic materials. However, we do have a concise and
I think excellent scholarly publishing web site.
We speak to faculty in meetings and for their workshops as requested or arranged.
Workshops on metrics
23. What advice can you offer to your peers on providing scholarly output assessment activities or
establishing a scholarly output assessment program? N=43
Although we do not have a designated scholarly output assessment program, we are able to provide these services
via one-on-one consultations, workshops, targeted professional development classes, and upper-level course-
related instruction.
As we develop output assessment services, we find it beneficial and insightful to think outside of the article as
scholarship and outside of the h-index as impact measurement. We encourage our colleagues to gain insight in this
growing area as well.
Become informed about your campus assessment tools and become involved in those efforts, as it serves the overall
institution more effectively than library-only lead efforts.
Build capacity and expertise so that faculty members can create and manage their own profiles themselves. Recognize
and tolerate that this area is still in flux. Build awareness, recognizing that this area has not yet gained traction and that
traditional methods still prevail.
Construct outreach and training that is in line with disciplinary contexts. Align outreach materials with
institutional goals.
Create resources that people within the library can use to educate themselves when they are asked to provide analytics.
Provide key contacts with expert knowledge of specific sets of analytical tools. Have staff be familiar with the kinds
of tools available, but don’t expect them to know how to use them unless they have an ongoing need to exercise
their skills.
Current ad hoc model is not effective due to lack of “ownership.” Recommend a coordinator responsible for marketing
these services and staff training.
Ensure that you have capacity to provide services (from my experiences in Australia, I have seen the demand for such
services increase tremendously over short periods of time). Ensure that you are working with reliable data sources (data
is cleaned and you capture as much of the outputs as possible). Be honest about the limitations of the bibliometric tools
and techniques; always make caveats explicit.