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Open Access Week 2013 Final Report
Florida State University Open Access Week 2013 Report
Future Open Access Weeks will benefit greatly from getting started earlier. As the event occurs in
October, work should be well-underway prior to the start of the Fall semester. Early development of
a plan, committee, and promotional materials will be crucial to the future growth of Open Access
Week as a successful enterprise at FSU. As of now, there are several potential directions for Open
Access Week 2014. First, we could attempt to engage the public in access to scholarship produced at
FSU by working with local media and the Leon County Library System. Alternatively, we could
lampoon the toll access publishing world by promoting the opposite of Open Access: Closed Access.
Closed Access Week would feature promotional materials designed to invoke the early 20th or late
19th century, and talking points which highlight the ridiculous nature of hanging on to the old system
given modern opportunities; a mock campaign for open access by advocating for closed access.
Contact Information:
Micah Vandegrift, Scholarly Communication Librarian mvandegrift@fsu.edu
Josh Bolick, Scholarly Communication Assistant jab11x@my.fsu.edu
Nina Rose, Scholarly Communication Intern
Scholarly Communication Office @ FSU Libraries
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