SPEC Kit 346: Scholarly Output Assessment Activities · 119
Social Sciences Research Services Librarian
CAMPUS: Amherst
This is the official title of the position.
Librarian V
This is the in-house title by which the position may be known. A functional title is usually a more
descriptive title than the official title and may be required to identify very specific kinds of work. This title may be used in signing all
Social Sciences Research Services Librarian
Please provide a brief overview of the general functions of this position. Specific
details of duties should be reserved for the Examples of Duties section.)
Serve as library liaison academic departments. Provide library orientation and discipline-based information
literacy sessions for assigned social science areas at all degree levels. Prepare user guides, tutorials, and other
information resource tools as needed. Offer appointment-based, in-depth research consultations. Provide
point-of-need research assistance in-person, through phone, email, web and other technologies. Provide
collection support for assigned social sciences subjects. Analyze usage and collections data to help inform
library-wide collection decisions.
Please indicate the title, but not the name, of the administrative employee or employees
responsible for supervision or direction of work; describe the divergent extents of authority of each, indicating the degree, priorities,
and relationships of the supervision or direction, which could range from close supervision to supervision with considerable
Work under the general supervision of the head of Information Resources Management, and the functional
supervision of the Coordinator, Acquisitions Unit. Be responsible to the Head of Research and Liaison Services
for reference assignments.
Using descriptive non-numerical terms, identify the scope of supervision, training or direction
exercised (i.e., whether the supervision is over a few employees, a small number of employees, a large number of employees, etc.);
also, describe the degree of supervision, indicating whether close supervision or general direction is involved, and categorize the
physical conditions under which the supervision is given, such as in a laboratory or an office. Supervision of student employees
should not be included in this section, but may be listed under Examples of Duties, if applicable.
Please list and briefly describe several of the duties and responsibilities typically performed and
assumed in this position. This list should not be restrictive but should be descriptive in such a manner as to provide concrete
information representing examples of the actual work as well as the level of responsibility for the work being performed.
1. Serve as a liaison to designated academic programs, departments and centers. Engage in direct communication
with faculty and students to learn about the needs, activities and trends in assigned liaison areas. Communicate
information to faculty and students about the Libraries’ services and information resources that support their
curricular, learning and research needs. Compile and assess information received to identify curricular and
research support opportunities and to inform the development and assessment of library services and resources.
2. Provide instruction to support disciplinary research. Work to incorporate appropriate technology into all
contexts. Design and teach course-related information literacy sessions and/or credit classes in a classroom or
web-based environment.
3. Prepare user guides, tutorials, and other online learning tools to support instruction and research in the social
sciences. Develop scripts to be used in creating these tools.
4. Provide in-depth reference and research consultation to faculty and students in designated social sciences
subject areas and education.
5. Incorporate trends in scholarly communication and emerging technologies into instructional and research support
6. Support subject collections in a changing research environment by applying specialized knowledge to the