SPEC Kit 346: Scholarly Output Assessment Activities · 47
If yes, please identify the unit(s) and briefly describe the scholarly output assessment activities the
library has collaborated on. N=39
Dean’s offices when doing program evaluation and especially the Office of Institutional Analysis
Division of IT, Office of the Vice President for Research, Office of Academic Planning & Assessment
Graduate School, and individual departments and programs
In the past the Libraries have partnered with Faculty Affairs and the president’s office on these activities.
Individual academic departments that have expressed an interest in scholarly assessment for their faculty
Librarians have been meeting with Office of Research and Office of Institutional Research staff to review scholarly
output assessment software options.
Library has invited deans for research from across the institution to help assess research evaluation tools considered for
purchase. Library is working closely with central IT to implement ORCID and faculty info system.
Office of Research
Office of Research, grad school, provost
Office of Research, Sponsored Programs, VP Research, colleges and schools of Arts & Sciences, Engineering and
Computer Science, Graduate School
Office of Sponsored Research: creation of patent profiles for individual researchers, as well as patent search and patent
citation training for students working at OSR. Media Relations Office: collaborated on the training of MRO staff.
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies as well as Teaching and Learning in the development of graduate student research
training (MyResearch).
Office of the Provost: provide guidance and reports re methodologies used by college and university ranking groups.
University’s Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS), members of the ICTS Tracking and Evaluation Team.
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR): provide guidance and reports for various academic/research
groups. Dean School of Engineering: systematic delivery of some reports to department chairs.
Office of the Vice President for Research, Sponsored Program Services
Provost’s office is the lead for faculty profile system, and library supports major components of this. Office of
Institutional Research, Office of News & Communication, and some deans and department offices collaborate with the
library to use these services.
Provost’s office: assistance with search criteria and training for faculty using Elements. Individual liaison librarians work
with their colleges and departments: primarily in business, engineering, and the sciences.
REACHNC: includes scholarly output assessment activities in the way of visualization tools. This is a locally developed
product for the entire university system (17 units).
Research Administration
School of Medicine Office of Research [medical campus]
Several years ago collaborated campus-wide on the selection of InCites. Worked with provost, Research Office, etc. All
administrators have turned over, and we have no current subscription for InCites or comparable product.
Texas Digital Libraries