SPEC Kit 346: Scholarly Output Assessment Activities · 51
Please briefly describe the other method(s). N=34
Campus activity/course guides
Campus Daily Digest
Campus media
Departmental meetings
Departmental meetings and emails
Direct email to the targeted users
Emails to faculty
Electronic display boards
Email (3 responses)
Email invitations sent directly to faculty members via central campus communications channels. Some targeted
communication with deans/associate deans on metrics relevant to their disciplines, provided upon request.
Email lists to faculty and grad students
Email notifications sent out by university public affairs to all university community members, bookmarks given out
at orientation
Email to faculty and newsletters
Email to faculty listservs
Emails to department liaisons, announcements at faculty events, blog advertising is new; only started last year
Eventually we intend to use webguides and departmental liaisons.
For campus awards, people are referred to librarians for citation analysis reports that are then submitted as part of the
campus award application packet.
Individual email communication, departmental meetings with faculty
Liaison librarians, integration with other systems and processes on campus, attending academic department meetings,
presentations in courses and workshops, integration of library staff with research labs
Library-held wine and cheese event for new faculty, posters, open week events, brown bag lunches at departments, and
presentations to user groups (usually as a part of long-standing series)
Local listservs
Meetings between key faculty members from departments who have responsibility for these activities and the
appropriate library liaisons
Mostly through direct contact from those interested; we’re not doing a lot of advertising.
Once we get the altmetrics donut up on the publishing/press website we will certainly be promoting it via social media,
brochures, and the library websites.
Regular publication reports include notes about new tools/features available for scholarly assessment.