SPEC Kit 346: Scholarly Output Assessment Activities  · 29
Other software N=7
ARC’s groups are community supported
Digital Measures: campus site license in procurement, but not yet implemented.
Digital Measures: funded by Provost’s Office
Digital Measures: individual colleges
Math SciNet is paid for by our system-wide library consortium.
NOTE: Law does not share costs.
University Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence
8. Are scholarly output assessment software/resources integrated in your institutional repository?
Yes 39 51%
No 33 43%
Not applicable, we don’t have an institutional repository 5 6%
If yes, please briefly describe the integration of the software/resources in the repository. N=35
A connector between Symplectic Elements and our institutional repository is the primary way faculty deposit into our IR.
Altmetric.com is integrated with the institutional repository, which is built on the Digital Commons platform from
bepress. The platform itself tracks download counts and reports it on the repository homepage.
Altmetric scores are integrated at the item level, if the item has the proper DOI and the metadata fields are integrated.
Our internal IT unit worked to develop that.
APIs to Web of Science
Authors and series administrators are provided use data on a monthly basis. Downloads are visualized on a global
readership map.
Basic level: we use reporting features of the hosting software, bepress.
Bepress provides automatic usage reports directly to authors. We have the Altmetrics.com widget enabled in our DR for
journal articles though what it covers is limited to articles with DOIs and with publisher contracts with Altmetrics.com.
Bepress provides Google Analytics and readership counts.
DSpace provides statistics, including the number and locations page view and file downloads.
DSpace’s statistics
Google Analytics
Google Scholar
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