32 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Item-level download and view stats are freely available from the respective webpage. Spreadsheets and charts showing
use for subsets of the collection are available upon request. Annual use reports are published in an IR impact report.
Number of downloads
Number of downloads of article citations via Web of Science
Number of times content is downloaded
Only on request, however
Page views and downloads
Plum Analytics
The usage report provides the number of downloads over the last month and the lifetime of the object.
There is a DSpace analytics page that sends out reports to community administrators but not authors. There are also
author reports that inform the author of the number of downloads of a publication.
Users can publicly view simple metrics for their items, including total number of downloads, downloads this month, and
downloads today.
Via monthly emails sent to users, and usage information is also displayed publicly for all items.
We create general repository usage reports for the dean of libraries. We can provide targeted reports upon request from
departments or individuals as requested, but that doesn’t come up much.
We offered usage reports when requested by the administration.
We provide reports on views and downloads.
Yes, authors of the items deposited in the repository receive download counts by e-mail every month.
Additional Comment N=1
At this stage, we only produce internal reports showing growth in content and use of IR. Also, those with PlumX Profile
can generate their own reports.
10. Please enter any additional comments you have on scholarly output assessment software/
resources. N=22
Current usage reports require a lot of staff time to collect and distribute so they are offered only occasionally.
Discussions are underway regarding further development of services via our IR, including the implementation of a
Google Analytics function by item so that users can get richer and more accurate download and view counts by time
and geographic origin. We are also currently evaluating the possibility of integrating repository downloads to an alt-
metrics widget that would be applied to our Blacklight instance.
DSpace software provides usage statistics.
Google Analytics tracks additional use and download information for our bepress Digital Commons instance.