110 · Representative Documents: Training Material
Introduction to Altmetrics for STEM Librarians
Images: blog.impactstory.org, chemconnector.com
Engaging Cons�tuents
Don’t assume anyone knows anything about
Begin by engaging new scholars
Explain limita�ons of both tradi�onal cita�on
metrics & altmetrics
Demonstrate the power of a Google Scholar
Profile, ins�tu�onal profile, and an
ImpactStory Profile
Scholars’ Engagement with Social
Important to maintain and manage an online
Outreach to the public – broader impacts
criteria – required by some funding agencies
Men�ons in social media seem to lead to
enhanced use of publica�ons
Dizzying array of social media tools
Valid data = Valid metrics
Accurate a�ribu�on is essen�al!
Scholarly authors are assigned Scopus Author
Iden�fiers, Web of Science Researcher ID’s,
Scholars can claim and make public their
Google Scholar profile
Scholars can (and should) register for a unique
ORCID number
Open Researcher Iden�fier
Free service that assigns a unique number to
each author and links other iden�fica�on
Encourage researchers to use consistent naming
conven�ons and register for an ORCID ID!
Problem: author disambigua�on
John F. Dannenhoffer III
Syracuse University
Joan V. Dannenhoffer
Syracuse University
John F. Dannenhoffer IV
PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
Joanne V. Dannenhoffer
M.D. May 2013
Joanne M. Dannenhoffer
Central Michigan University
(spouses) (siblings)
Databases see all of these
people as:
J Dannenhoffer
JV Dannenhoffer
JF Dannenhoffer
JM Dannenhoffer