SPEC Kit 346: Scholarly Output Assessment Activities · 15
resource sharing to benefit all parties involved in the
scholarly communication process.
Research libraries offer substantial expertise in
navigating the ever-expanding array of tools that exist
to illustrate a narrative based on scholarly produc-
tivity and impact. They help authors manage their
scholarly identities, provide options for creating and
disseminating scholarly outputs, offer strategies to
enhance discoverability of scholarly outputs, help
authors efficiently track scholarly outputs and impact,
provide resources and tools to help authors assess
their scholarly impact, create publication reports and
social network maps for reporting purposes, and of-
fer guidance and training on new trends and tools for
reporting of impact.
The authors hope that the survey inspires ARL
libraries to consider ways they can incorporate schol-
arly output assessment services into their service
models. As one respondent noted, “This survey has
prompted several conversations and ideas for further
development in this area.”