134  ·  Representative Documents:  Service Descriptions
Metrics and Impact Core (MIC)
Impact and Evaluation Librarian
Methods and services
Advanced Bibliometric Analysis - Provides an understanding of
productivity and emerging indicators of impact. Ongoing analyses in
MIC include tracking “hot” and “highly cited” papers for discipline-
specific percentile ranking and assessment of productivity,
recognition/influence, efficiency, relative impact and benchmarking.
Alternative metrics - Enables characterization of dissemination and
public engagement. This data supplements conventional bibliometrics
and allows real-time social engagement data to be collected and
monitored in a meaningful way for a broad array of research products.
Social Network Analysis (SNA) and data visualizations - Facilitate an
understanding of relationships between people, organizations,
concepts, or services. SNA provides snapshots of programs,
collaborations, resources, and services which can be used to describe,
predict, and measure the effect of interventions.
Surveys - Measure satisfaction, collaboration, effectiveness of training.
Surveys may be utilized for post-consultation or service surveys;
post-event surveys for training and workforce development events
(courses, workshops, training events, online tutorials, seminars), and
annual surveys on satisfaction, collaboration, and community
Micro-case studies & interviews - Efficiently enable in-depth
qualitative assessments using a modified CADTH framework [1] to
facilitate effective and efficient case studies.
[1] Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) (2014).
Retrieved from http://www.cadth.ca/en/cadth/evaluation-reports
Updated: February 25th, 2015 08:48
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