SPEC Kit 346: Scholarly Output Assessment Activities · 107
Introduction to Altmetrics for STEM Librarians
Introduc)on to Altmetrics
Linda M. Galloway, MLIS
Librarian for Biology, Chemistry and Forensic Science
Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, NY
Janet Pease, MLS
Associate Librarian
Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, NY
Anne E. Rauh, MA
Engineering and Computer Science Librarian
Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, NY
IntroducNon to Altmetrics for STEM Librarians,
Science & Technology Libraries, in review
What are Altmetrics??
“the study of scholarly impact measures based on
acNvity in online tools and environments” (Priem,
Groth, and Taraborelli 2012
citable and accessible
products not limited to publica)ons,
data sets, soVware, patents, and copyrights (“Grant Proposal
Guide, Chapter II” 2013)
Scholarly Metrics as a proxy for
Scholarly Influence…
Scholarly Metrics as a proxy for
Scholarly Influence…
QuanNfying Scholarly Output
via CitaNon Metrics
Number of PublicaNons
CitaNons to PublicaNons
RelaNve influence of PublicaNons
TradiNonal Tools
EvaluaNng Journals
• Impact Factor – Journal CitaNon Reports
– Avg. Nme arNcles from a journal (past 2 yrs.) are cited
in past year.
– Web of Science indexed journals & data
• SCImago Journal & Country Rank
– Based on Scopus Data, 1996-‐
– Uses GooglePage Rank algorithim
– Citable increments include past 3 years
– Open Access
Note: there are other indices and measures available within these resources.