SPEC Kit 346: Scholarly Output Assessment Activities · 159
Standard Language for Publication Reports
Content last reviewed 28 April 2015
Standard Language for Publication Reports
Summary Report and Disclaimer:
The Summary Report is based on publication and citation data (including self-citations) from Elsevier
Scopus. Publication and citation data may be incomplete due to coverage and name variant issues.
While publication data can provide compelling narratives, no single metric is sufficient for measuring
performance, quality, or impact by an author. Publication data alone does not provide a full overview of
impact or influence, nor is it predictive of meaningful health outcomes. Publication data represents but
one facet research outputs and activities by an author. For a list of academic/research outputs and
activities, see: http://beckerguides.wustl.edu/impactofpublications.
If a report is required for performance evaluation purposes, please contact Cathy Sarli or Amy Suiter.
Article-Level Metrics
This report was generated using article-level metrics provided the Altmetric.com bookmarklet provided
by Scopus.
“Discussion” reflects the number of times the article has been mentioned in blogs, Twitter or other
social media platforms.
“Saves” reflects the number of times an article has been saved to the reference manager Mendeley,
CiteULike or Connotea. This number does not reflect the number of saves to the numerous other
reference managers available to researchers.
“Reads” reflects the number of times a PDF of the article has been accessed from the journal website.
Not all journal websites provide these statistics.
"F1000" reflects the number of article recommendations in F1000 Prime.
These metrics are typically only available for recent publications (usually 2007 or later) and should be
used with caution. They have not yet been shown to be indicative of significance, nor are they
predictive of citations.
Elsevier Scopus
This report was generated using publication and citation data from the Elsevier Scopus database and
reflects only the data as indexed by the database. Scopus contains complete publication data from 1996
to current with additional pre-1996 publication data dating from 1823. Citation data is complete from
1996 to current only. Publication and citation data may be incomplete due to coverage and name
variant issues. Some publication and citation data files are limited to 160 rows in Excel format.
Scopus indexes from ~20,000 different sources including journals, book series, and conference papers
that have an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). Meeting abstracts are not included.
Publication types included: Article In-Press, Article, Conference Report, Book, Book Chapter, Editorial,
Erratum, Letter, Note, Review, Other and Short Survey.