92 · Representative Documents: Training Material
Taking Control of Your Research Visibility (worksheet/handouts)
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What it does (plays nicely
with ORCID and some of
the other sites listed here.)
[Owned by Thomson Reuters,] “ResearcherID provides a solution to the author
ambiguity problem within the scholarly research community. Each member is
assigned a unique identifier to enable researchers to manage their publication
lists, track their times cited counts and h-index, identify potential collaborators and
avoid author misidentification. In addition, your ResearcherID information
integrates with the Web of Knowledge and is ORCID compliant, allowing you to
claim and showcase your publications from a single one [sic] account.” NB: you
can also register w ithin ORCID once you have established your ORCID
Go to ResearcherID main page and look for option to register then “Join Now”
Fill out basic information.
Note options to add alternative names under which you’ve published or are known
On results page note your ResearcherID number and notice papers retrieved, or
select option for it to retrieve your papers.
Notice the “exchange data with ORCiD” (on left) and the “add publications” on
right middle in orange.
Manage your profile as well with additional information.
Poke around the options to see what is interesting
ResearcherID Username:
My ID and/or unique URL:
Some further reading
Greenberg, Marc L. “Joan Smiths of the World, Disunite!” Blog post: http://slavist-
Greenberg, Marc L. “Not Waving But Drowning.” Blog post: http://slavist-semistrunnik.blogspot.com/2013/08/not-
Lin, Jennifer and Martin Fenner. “Article-Level Metrics – Learning to Walk, Run & Do Algebra.” Blog post:
Tanenbaum, Greg. 2013. Article-Level Metrics. A SPARC Primer. http://sparc.arl.org/sites/default/files/sparc-alm-