52 · SPEC Kit 302
Biggest Security Concern Additional Comments on Security.
Keeping them free of virus, and maintaining patron
Key loggers, anonymous e-mails, spiders, public machines
becoming an attack vector for other campus systems.
Libraries ITS’ biggest concern is misbehavior by users (for
example, threatening anonymous e-mails) Catalyst staff’s
biggest concern is damage caused by viruses.
Libraries ITS notes that security-related concerns during
the past few years have led them to reassign almost a
full FTE to address general network security problems
and prevention of problems. Security is one of the top
priorities for university computing administrators in
Maintaining a stable environment for the next user.
Malicious internet software. Public devices are locked through policies.
Malicious software, i.e., viruses, trojans, etc.
Network intrusions.
Network penetration/security threat to take down machines or
We are moving away from “restrict all” security schema,
as there are more things our patrons have to do. We
started to employ Deep Freeze security software with
minimal restrictions via Windows Security Policy to allow
maximum usability of public PCs.
Network-based trojans/worms. All public computers are on private address space for an
additional layer of security.
No overt concerns. Potential use of USB keyboard dongles serving as key-
stroke recorders is theoretically possible, but currently
deemed a low risk. Before network edge router rules
were set several years ago (ACLs), file sharing was a huge
security and liability concern.
Online banking, keystroke loggers, trojans, malware. Policies are set to prevent malicious software from being
installed and each workstation reboots nightly to clear
and reset.
Operating System security. They all run Windows. Computers are well secured with Microsoft profiles and
Our workstation infrastructure is relatively secure our biggest
concern usually involves public users wanting to devote hours
to game playing.
People not signing off and leaving their personally identifiable
information exposed.
Physical theft and damage.
Physical removal of hardware.
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