38 · SPEC Kit 302
Given away to charitable causes (i.e., elementary schools, etc.) 14 23%
Discarded 7 11%
Given back to agencies/departments/units that funded them 4 7%
Other 25 40%
Please describe the other options.
“De-accessioned to the university’s warehouse.”
“Given back to company they were leased from OR given to other departments on campus (if they were
“Given to campus surplus sales. They manage the disposition of retired computers which can include selling to
the public.”
“Given to other units on campus.”
“Given to other university departments, based on campus policy.”
“It is surplused according to state regulations.”
“Libraries ITS PCs are used as long as possible and discarded to University Surplus for resale Old Catalyst
PCs are either given to Libraries ITS to replace even older Libraries PCs or discarded to University Surplus for
“Must be surplused according to state regulations.”
“Our computers are on a leasing cycle and we purchase them at the end of lease on a dollar buy-out. The
lease and buy-out are all done on the library’s budget. We offer and transfer ownership of many, if not most,
of the computers to other campus units and departments that have expressed a need. We also keep about 30
old computers for parts and for expansion needs and special projects. The remainder of the computers must
go to the university surplus department because individual units on campus are not allowed to sell or transfer
assets outside of the university.”
“Redistributed to library student workers.”
“Sent to central campus surplus unit for re-use elsewhere on campus.”
“Sent to central stores on campus where the determination is made on disposition.”
“Sent to surplus property for resale or discarded.”
“Sent to the university’s equipment redistribution services.”
“Sent to university surplus.”
“Sent to University Surplus Department which sells old equipment to the general public.”
“Sent to university surplus for recycling or resale.”
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