Managing Public Computing · 51
30. What is the biggest security concern for public computers? N=55
Biggest Security Concern Additional Comments on Security.
Abuse of university computer use policy. Very few known
Anonymous e-mail, gaming.
Booting from USB devices.
Bot-nets, key loggers.
Computers in remote areas of the libraries can be (and are)
compromised. Working in low traffic areas, users have broken
into the operating system and installed applications, which
can infect other machines on campus and compromise the
university’s network.
Since December 2006, Library Systems has improved
its ability to automatically apply version upgrades to its
Symantec AntiVirus client on workstations. This is an
important campus-wide security issue. In some cases, staff
must perform the upgrades manually, which takes a lot
of time and effort (in part, to locate the workstations that
need to be upgraded). The Libraries in Pullman will be
instituting public laptop checkout for the first time in fall
2007 Library Systems are carefully reviewing the security
issues involved in this service. To access the university
network from these laptops, users will have to log on to
VPN client software, using their university Network ID.
Once the laptop checkout service is implemented in the
fall, the answer to the security question above will be:
“Yes, for some public computers.”
Concern about whether we applied the group policy correctly.
Data theft and accounts not being logged (auto) in time.
Downloaded malware. Requiring authentication before public computer use
based on a university-affiliated ID. Some past problems
have included users sending threatening messages from
public machines.
Ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the public user’s
session. This means: protections from trojans and viruses
ensuring user data is not left behind encryption methods where
Hacking and theft.
Hacking into staff network.
Hosting or acting as a server for inappropriate and/or illegal
Being a public library, encouraging public use while being
concerned about IT security is a difficult path.
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