40 · SPEC Kit 302
20. If staff in a unit(s) other than IT provides technical support, please identify that unit(s). N=40
“Access Services and Public Services employees.”
“All librarians and staff working library (non-Information Commons) public service desks will answer technical
support questions if they are able. If they cannot provide the answer they will contact Library Technology
Services for assistance. The Information Commons service desk is staffed by IT support personnel from the
campus Office of Information Technology. All technical support questions asked at service desks in the
Information Commons are referred to them.”
“All public services units.”
“All units at one time or another, to one degree or another are called upon to answer technical questions
about public computers. All reference departments have CD-ROM products that run on single-user
workstations and tech questions center on that equipment but other support questions, esp. printing and
connection/Web page display issues may be, and are to differing levels, handled by each reference and
circulation unit in both libraries.”
“Catalyst Client Services (desktop) Health Sciences Library (part of University Libraries but they manage their
own public computing operation) Publications Services (printing).”
“Circulation, Reference, Periodicals, Special Collections, Global Resources, Brady Art gallery.”
“Directorate separate from the library, Computing and Communications Services — their IT Help Desk
(situated in the library main building).”
“Employees at desks in the branch libraries field initial questions.”
“Gateway Services Scholarly Resources.”
“General Reference and Readers’ Services librarians in the library’s Information Commons public service staff
in library’s branches.”
“Learning Commons Office of Information Technology.”
“Librarians and staff in public services units provide application-specific support for users (e.g., MS-Office,
“Most often reference, information literacy, and media resources.”
“Public service library staff (professionals, support, students) in all 12 buildings handle simple technical
“Public Services.”
“Public Services.”
20. If staff in a unit(s) other than IT provides technical support, please identify that unit(s). N=40
“Access Services and Public Services employees.”
“All librarians and staff working library (non-Information Commons) public service desks will answer technical
support questions if they are able. If they cannot provide the answer they will contact Library Technology
Services for assistance. The Information Commons service desk is staffed by IT support personnel from the
campus Office of Information Technology. All technical support questions asked at service desks in the
Information Commons are referred to them.”
“All public services units.”
“All units at one time or another, to one degree or another are called upon to answer technical questions
about public computers. All reference departments have CD-ROM products that run on single-user
workstations and tech questions center on that equipment but other support questions, esp. printing and
connection/Web page display issues may be, and are to differing levels, handled by each reference and
circulation unit in both libraries.”
“Catalyst Client Services (desktop) Health Sciences Library (part of University Libraries but they manage their
own public computing operation) Publications Services (printing).”
“Circulation, Reference, Periodicals, Special Collections, Global Resources, Brady Art gallery.”
“Directorate separate from the library, Computing and Communications Services — their IT Help Desk
(situated in the library main building).”
“Employees at desks in the branch libraries field initial questions.”
“Gateway Services Scholarly Resources.”
“General Reference and Readers’ Services librarians in the library’s Information Commons public service staff
in library’s branches.”
“Learning Commons Office of Information Technology.”
“Librarians and staff in public services units provide application-specific support for users (e.g., MS-Office,
“Most often reference, information literacy, and media resources.”
“Public service library staff (professionals, support, students) in all 12 buildings handle simple technical
“Public Services.”
“Public Services.”