Managing Public Computing · 23
Librarians Support
1 6 The one librarian noted in “Librarians in units other than IT” is located in
Reference. The six staff noted in “Support staff in units other than IT” are
located in Reference, Access &Delivery Services, the Media Center/Studio,
Special Collections, the Music Library, and the Ag Library.
We have public computing in 7 libraries throughout the system.
Depending on the question and time of day, public service staff in any of
these areas may be asked for assistance.
4. Do these individuals only support public computing or do they also support staff computing?
Support Public
Computing Only
Support Public and
Staff Computing
Professional staff in library IT unit 54 2 52
Support staff in library IT unit 45 45
Student employees in library IT unit 40 4 36
Support staff in units other than IT 28 10 18
Librarians in units other than IT 20 9 11
Student employees in units other than IT 18 11 7
Other 12 4 8
Public Computing Management
5. Please enter the title of the individual who has primary responsibility for managing/
coordinating public computing operations, the library department/unit in which this individual
is located, and the title of the position to which this individual reports. N=64
Title of the individual Library department/unit Reports to
Technology Operations Manager Information Technology Services,
Technology Operations Manager
Head of Reference and Instructional
Reference AUL Public Services
Co-leader Integrated Technology Services Integrated Technology Services Co-Leader ITS
Manager of Desktop Services IT Department Project Manager/Customer Service
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