Managing Public Computing · 41
“Public Services (i.e., reference, circulation/access services, periodicals, public services student tech rovers.)”
“Public Services (reference) and Access Services (circulation) staff.”
“Public Services Division.”
“Public Services provides lab support.”
“Public services staff (from both circulation and reference) are the first point of contact for library users having
problems with public workstations and other devices such as printers. These staff provide the support that they
can then call upon IT staff for technical problems they cannot resolve.”
“Public services units (Reference, Access Services, Library Instruction).”
“Reference &Information Services reference and circulation desks in branch libraries.”
“Reference (including chat reference), Circulation.”
“Reference and Access Services departments field first level questions.”
“Reference and Circulation.”
“Reference and Instruction Division.”
“Reference Department.”
“Reference Librarians are often first point of contact for public computer questions. May not be actual
technical questions but more informational in nature.”
“Reference Librarians working at the desk answer basic questions and then refer higher level requests via our
ticket system. Central IT help desk students help provide evening support and offer similar services.”
“Reference, Special Collections, Heath Sciences Library, Engineering Library, Math Library, Geology Library,
Journalism Library, Veterinary Medicine Library.”
“Reference, Undergraduate Library, departmental libraries.”
“Research and Information Services, Learning Commons, Digital Media Laboratory, Branch libraries.”
“Research Services Librarians and technical support staff, Information Desk graduate students
Service desks in libraries and online help team.”
“Service providers at reference desks assist with questions from public lab areas.”
“Staff from our individual libraries and campus academic computing staff.”
“Student Computing Services runs a computing help desk.”
“This is not technical support. This is application support and other similar questions (like printing). General
Information Services has student lab assistants to answer questions. There is a difference at our library.”
“Public Services (i.e., reference, circulation/access services, periodicals, public services student tech rovers.)”
“Public Services (reference) and Access Services (circulation) staff.”
“Public Services Division.”
“Public Services provides lab support.”
“Public services staff (from both circulation and reference) are the first point of contact for library users having
problems with public workstations and other devices such as printers. These staff provide the support that they
can then call upon IT staff for technical problems they cannot resolve.”
“Public services units (Reference, Access Services, Library Instruction).”
“Reference &Information Services reference and circulation desks in branch libraries.”
“Reference (including chat reference), Circulation.”
“Reference and Access Services departments field first level questions.”
“Reference and Circulation.”
“Reference and Instruction Division.”
“Reference Department.”
“Reference Librarians are often first point of contact for public computer questions. May not be actual
technical questions but more informational in nature.”
“Reference Librarians working at the desk answer basic questions and then refer higher level requests via our
ticket system. Central IT help desk students help provide evening support and offer similar services.”
“Reference, Special Collections, Heath Sciences Library, Engineering Library, Math Library, Geology Library,
Journalism Library, Veterinary Medicine Library.”
“Reference, Undergraduate Library, departmental libraries.”
“Research and Information Services, Learning Commons, Digital Media Laboratory, Branch libraries.”
“Research Services Librarians and technical support staff, Information Desk graduate students
Service desks in libraries and online help team.”
“Service providers at reference desks assist with questions from public lab areas.”
“Staff from our individual libraries and campus academic computing staff.”
“Student Computing Services runs a computing help desk.”
“This is not technical support. This is application support and other similar questions (like printing). General
Information Services has student lab assistants to answer questions. There is a difference at our library.”