56 · SPEC Kit 303
approach to assessment become evident, and the Library administration decided to assign responsibility for its
assessment activities to an organizational unit in early 2007. An Assessment Director was hired in May 2007.”
“This library has put extraordinary effort into building management information structures as necessary
components of its assessment mandate. The principal is to empower staff broadly to conduct assessment and
own the priority to assess. While the assessment function properly belongs to the full staff, the development of
management information resources is the focus of a central department, which also designs and builds tools
and provides a level of central coordination. Our goal is to build a scale-able, staff-driven, and user-focused
activity of the enterprise.”
“Though the Assessment Officer does and will continue to have primary responsibility for coordinating and
planning assessment activities, the University Libraries intend to appoint an Assessment Committee to work
with him on matters of assessment and statistics gathering/analysis. This committee will also be involved in
writing the library-wide assessment plan.”
“The library is just beginning this process. January/February 2007: first participated in LibQUAL+™ Survey.
January 2007+ Assessment Librarian’s position (job description) is under discussion.”
“We have recently begun the process of moving to a more systematic and programmatic approach to
assessment. Like many institutions, we have undertaken a great deal of ad hoc activity in the past and this is
reflected in survey responses, but the contours of a formal assessment program are very much still emerging.”
“We intend in the future to increase the use of our statistics (logbook, etc.). We also have a Statistics
Committee that coordinates collection of data across the libraries.”
approach to assessment become evident, and the Library administration decided to assign responsibility for its
assessment activities to an organizational unit in early 2007. An Assessment Director was hired in May 2007.”
“This library has put extraordinary effort into building management information structures as necessary
components of its assessment mandate. The principal is to empower staff broadly to conduct assessment and
own the priority to assess. While the assessment function properly belongs to the full staff, the development of
management information resources is the focus of a central department, which also designs and builds tools
and provides a level of central coordination. Our goal is to build a scale-able, staff-driven, and user-focused
activity of the enterprise.”
“Though the Assessment Officer does and will continue to have primary responsibility for coordinating and
planning assessment activities, the University Libraries intend to appoint an Assessment Committee to work
with him on matters of assessment and statistics gathering/analysis. This committee will also be involved in
writing the library-wide assessment plan.”
“The library is just beginning this process. January/February 2007: first participated in LibQUAL+™ Survey.
January 2007+ Assessment Librarian’s position (job description) is under discussion.”
“We have recently begun the process of moving to a more systematic and programmatic approach to
assessment. Like many institutions, we have undertaken a great deal of ad hoc activity in the past and this is
reflected in survey responses, but the contours of a formal assessment program are very much still emerging.”
“We intend in the future to increase the use of our statistics (logbook, etc.). We also have a Statistics
Committee that coordinates collection of data across the libraries.”