26 · SPEC Kit 303
Please specify other responsibility.
Part-time Assessment Coordinator
“Internal staff training. Coordinate searches for professional librarians.”
“Leads the library’s Assessment Team.”
“Serves on Institutional Research Committees.”
“Training Coordinator handles most training, and is a member of the Assessment Working Group. I provide
guidance and best-practices.”
Standing Assessment Committee/Team
“Feedback from contributors (assessing the assessment process).”
Full-time Assessment Coordinator
“Ethics review applications.”
“Supervise student assessment and usability assistants.”
“The position is not officially designated as a ‘coordinator’ although it is an inherit aspect of the position. It is
still under development based upon determining the extent and type of assessment coordination needs for the
campus library system.”
Assessment Department/Unit
“Chairs Library Assessment Group Ex-officio member of the Strategic Planning team and develops strategic
planning performance measures and benchmarks.”
“Collaborates with the Public Services Executive Committee’s Usability &User Studies Committee. The U&US
committee was created in 2005, and currently has 8 members. To date, this group’s focus has been to promote
and facilitate usability within the library. This group: Consults with staff on usability methods and needs.
Facilitates usability projects throughout the library. Performs priority usability activities. Analyzes, interprets,
and reports on data collected in usability activities. Provides training through priority usability projects. Has
provided other training opportunities by reporting on its work and by inviting guest speakers. U&US has been
collaborating with the IRB, and may work with the usability group in Cornell’s IT department. Other general
information: CUL conducts LibQUAL+™ periodically, centrally. Each subject library determines needs and
assessment approaches independently. Project-based assessments are conducted on-demand by RAU based
on priority. Annual statistics collected/compiled centrally from units.”
“Develops programmatic, strategic, and sustainable approach to library assessment activities.”
“Manages institutional data repository and development of same. Collaborates with library central IT unit on
repository architecture and data structures. Manages development of report writing applications as part of MIS
program. Point of contact for IRB. Liaises with university’s department of planning and analysis.”
“The ‘Evaluation and Analysis’ unit is part of the Organizational Services department. Organizational Services
provides ‘back office’ services to both the library and the ‘Computing and Communications Services’ unit. Thus,
‘Evaluation &Analysis’ also serves the computing unit on campus.”
Please specify other responsibility.
Part-time Assessment Coordinator
“Internal staff training. Coordinate searches for professional librarians.”
“Leads the library’s Assessment Team.”
“Serves on Institutional Research Committees.”
“Training Coordinator handles most training, and is a member of the Assessment Working Group. I provide
guidance and best-practices.”
Standing Assessment Committee/Team
“Feedback from contributors (assessing the assessment process).”
Full-time Assessment Coordinator
“Ethics review applications.”
“Supervise student assessment and usability assistants.”
“The position is not officially designated as a ‘coordinator’ although it is an inherit aspect of the position. It is
still under development based upon determining the extent and type of assessment coordination needs for the
campus library system.”
Assessment Department/Unit
“Chairs Library Assessment Group Ex-officio member of the Strategic Planning team and develops strategic
planning performance measures and benchmarks.”
“Collaborates with the Public Services Executive Committee’s Usability &User Studies Committee. The U&US
committee was created in 2005, and currently has 8 members. To date, this group’s focus has been to promote
and facilitate usability within the library. This group: Consults with staff on usability methods and needs.
Facilitates usability projects throughout the library. Performs priority usability activities. Analyzes, interprets,
and reports on data collected in usability activities. Provides training through priority usability projects. Has
provided other training opportunities by reporting on its work and by inviting guest speakers. U&US has been
collaborating with the IRB, and may work with the usability group in Cornell’s IT department. Other general
information: CUL conducts LibQUAL+™ periodically, centrally. Each subject library determines needs and
assessment approaches independently. Project-based assessments are conducted on-demand by RAU based
on priority. Annual statistics collected/compiled centrally from units.”
“Develops programmatic, strategic, and sustainable approach to library assessment activities.”
“Manages institutional data repository and development of same. Collaborates with library central IT unit on
repository architecture and data structures. Manages development of report writing applications as part of MIS
program. Point of contact for IRB. Liaises with university’s department of planning and analysis.”
“The ‘Evaluation and Analysis’ unit is part of the Organizational Services department. Organizational Services
provides ‘back office’ services to both the library and the ‘Computing and Communications Services’ unit. Thus,
‘Evaluation &Analysis’ also serves the computing unit on campus.”