Library Assessment · 43
“Improved access to online resources and assessment of library’s Web site.”
Respondent 30
“Focus group discussions with students have convinced us to do some renovations differently than originally
“Learning from survey results that good students were heavily unaware of liaison librarians, caused us to put
more energy into reaching out to grad students.”
“Decision to purchase or cancel subscriptions is partly based on usage stats.”
Respondent 31
“Geology Library Renovation Survey: Questionnaire designed to inform decisions regarding study space needs
of faculty and graduate students in the Geology and Geoscience departments. Results informed decisions
regarding purchase of soft seating and study table size and location within the library. Also, graduate students
repeatedly requested that lockers be made available, as they travel between two campuses. We were able to
include lockers in the renovation, and were otherwise not intending to.”
“Virtual Reference Assessment: Analyzed 5 years worth of chat and e-mail reference transactions. The
following recommendations were acted upon, more are forthcoming: Cancel contract with Live Assistance
Chat, switch to commercial IM (Meebo). Staffing of chat reference services was adjusted slightly, based on the
distribution of subject areas of the questions asked. Staffing of CUL Suggestions (online suggestion box) was
rotated, due to one division having staffed it for 5+ years. E-mail management system is on order to manage
e-mail transactions from the public Web sites. Access Services and Reference Services are partnering. More
assessment: Phase II of Virtual Reference Assessment will gather user input to inform further decisions about
the structure of reference services (i.e., centralized vs. subject specific).”
“Document Delivery Benchmarking Survey: This survey was sent to peer institutions, inquiring about their
current document delivery services and the planning processes for establishing these services. Cost was also
addressed. Clarified the need for the Shipping Department to join Access Services in support of campus-wide
delivery programs. Shipping joined Access in June 2007.”
Respondent 32
“Help budget planning/justification.”
“Data used in library marketing and communications.”
Respondent 33
“Identification of priority services.”
“Identification of facilities problems.”
“Identification of quality of service to users.”
“Improved access to online resources and assessment of library’s Web site.”
Respondent 30
“Focus group discussions with students have convinced us to do some renovations differently than originally
“Learning from survey results that good students were heavily unaware of liaison librarians, caused us to put
more energy into reaching out to grad students.”
“Decision to purchase or cancel subscriptions is partly based on usage stats.”
Respondent 31
“Geology Library Renovation Survey: Questionnaire designed to inform decisions regarding study space needs
of faculty and graduate students in the Geology and Geoscience departments. Results informed decisions
regarding purchase of soft seating and study table size and location within the library. Also, graduate students
repeatedly requested that lockers be made available, as they travel between two campuses. We were able to
include lockers in the renovation, and were otherwise not intending to.”
“Virtual Reference Assessment: Analyzed 5 years worth of chat and e-mail reference transactions. The
following recommendations were acted upon, more are forthcoming: Cancel contract with Live Assistance
Chat, switch to commercial IM (Meebo). Staffing of chat reference services was adjusted slightly, based on the
distribution of subject areas of the questions asked. Staffing of CUL Suggestions (online suggestion box) was
rotated, due to one division having staffed it for 5+ years. E-mail management system is on order to manage
e-mail transactions from the public Web sites. Access Services and Reference Services are partnering. More
assessment: Phase II of Virtual Reference Assessment will gather user input to inform further decisions about
the structure of reference services (i.e., centralized vs. subject specific).”
“Document Delivery Benchmarking Survey: This survey was sent to peer institutions, inquiring about their
current document delivery services and the planning processes for establishing these services. Cost was also
addressed. Clarified the need for the Shipping Department to join Access Services in support of campus-wide
delivery programs. Shipping joined Access in June 2007.”
Respondent 32
“Help budget planning/justification.”
“Data used in library marketing and communications.”
Respondent 33
“Identification of priority services.”
“Identification of facilities problems.”
“Identification of quality of service to users.”