Library Assessment · 55
Additional Comments
24. Please enter any additional information regarding assessment activities at your library that may
assist the authors in accurately analyzing the results of this survey.
“Although primary responsibility for coordination and planning of assessment activities rests with a standing
committee, it should be noted that in 2007 the libraries created a full-time assessment position, Library
Data Officer, reporting to the Dean of Libraries. Although the position does not have overall responsibility
for coordination of assessment activities, it is charged with several of the responsibilities enumerated under
questions 8–12 specifically: analyzes, interprets, and reports on data collected in assessment activities
consults with staff on assessment methods and needs coordinates collection of data across the library
coordinates the reporting/archiving of the library’s statistical data fills requests for library data performs
assessment activities provides training on assessment topics and submits external surveys.”
“Assessment activities at the seven service locations at Western Libraries are highly distributed. Western
Libraries’ system-wide assessment activities are coordinated by the Assessment Librarian.”
“At our library, we are approaching assessment in a systematic way by first defining the mission of the
Research &Assessment Unit. We are contracting a consultant to provide basic assessment training to unit
members. We are also conducting a feasibility study for a local data mart to house data we collect.”
“Conducted LibQUAL+™ in 2003 and 2006 but have not analyzed the differences yet.”
“From 1998–2003, a standing library-wide team was in place to conduct user assessment activities. Since
2004, separate assessment activities have taken place but without library-wide coordination. A library-wide ad
hoc committee was established to administer, analyze, and report the 2005 LibQUAL+™ survey. That group
disbanded after the survey report was completed.”
“Many items that were mentioned in this survey are in development stages at our library: data mining and a
public Web site for assessment are two major initiatives that are in early planning stages, but will be realized
in the near future. As part of the process of developing the CUL Assessment Plan, we conducted a Culture of
Assessment IQ Test the answers provided here are based on that survey. We will conduct this survey again,
on tri-annual basis, in line with our planning cycle. We also offer a series of Assessment Forums to invite
colleagues into the libraries to present their experiences with assessment to staff, and hopefully inspire some
“Our unit with primary responsibility of assessment was only formed in the past year. We’ve had a standing
assessment group, the Library Assessment Group, which has been in place since 1992: ad hoc 1992–1996
and made ongoing in 1997. This group is made up of 9 members including the two members of the Office of
Assessment &Planning and works with the Director of Assessment &Planning on assessment projects and
“The library’s current approach to assessment has evolved from an interest group that formed as a subgroup
of the library’s committee on reference in November 2003. This voluntary group soon expanded to include
staff from all library units, and this group evolved from an interest group to a formal ‘resource group’ in May
2005. This voluntary committee was extremely useful in educating staff about the need for assessment, in
generating new activities, and in developing expertise. However, the need for a coordinated and programmatic
Additional Comments
24. Please enter any additional information regarding assessment activities at your library that may
assist the authors in accurately analyzing the results of this survey.
“Although primary responsibility for coordination and planning of assessment activities rests with a standing
committee, it should be noted that in 2007 the libraries created a full-time assessment position, Library
Data Officer, reporting to the Dean of Libraries. Although the position does not have overall responsibility
for coordination of assessment activities, it is charged with several of the responsibilities enumerated under
questions 8–12 specifically: analyzes, interprets, and reports on data collected in assessment activities
consults with staff on assessment methods and needs coordinates collection of data across the library
coordinates the reporting/archiving of the library’s statistical data fills requests for library data performs
assessment activities provides training on assessment topics and submits external surveys.”
“Assessment activities at the seven service locations at Western Libraries are highly distributed. Western
Libraries’ system-wide assessment activities are coordinated by the Assessment Librarian.”
“At our library, we are approaching assessment in a systematic way by first defining the mission of the
Research &Assessment Unit. We are contracting a consultant to provide basic assessment training to unit
members. We are also conducting a feasibility study for a local data mart to house data we collect.”
“Conducted LibQUAL+™ in 2003 and 2006 but have not analyzed the differences yet.”
“From 1998–2003, a standing library-wide team was in place to conduct user assessment activities. Since
2004, separate assessment activities have taken place but without library-wide coordination. A library-wide ad
hoc committee was established to administer, analyze, and report the 2005 LibQUAL+™ survey. That group
disbanded after the survey report was completed.”
“Many items that were mentioned in this survey are in development stages at our library: data mining and a
public Web site for assessment are two major initiatives that are in early planning stages, but will be realized
in the near future. As part of the process of developing the CUL Assessment Plan, we conducted a Culture of
Assessment IQ Test the answers provided here are based on that survey. We will conduct this survey again,
on tri-annual basis, in line with our planning cycle. We also offer a series of Assessment Forums to invite
colleagues into the libraries to present their experiences with assessment to staff, and hopefully inspire some
“Our unit with primary responsibility of assessment was only formed in the past year. We’ve had a standing
assessment group, the Library Assessment Group, which has been in place since 1992: ad hoc 1992–1996
and made ongoing in 1997. This group is made up of 9 members including the two members of the Office of
Assessment &Planning and works with the Director of Assessment &Planning on assessment projects and
“The library’s current approach to assessment has evolved from an interest group that formed as a subgroup
of the library’s committee on reference in November 2003. This voluntary group soon expanded to include
staff from all library units, and this group evolved from an interest group to a formal ‘resource group’ in May
2005. This voluntary committee was extremely useful in educating staff about the need for assessment, in
generating new activities, and in developing expertise. However, the need for a coordinated and programmatic