Library Assessment · 23
Library Function N Surveys Qualitative
Usability Other Have not
Staff Training/
60 37 14 14 1 1 17
Work Climate 60 29 18 4 1 — 23
Development/ Fundraising 59 3 5 22 — — 36
Other 16 3 2 2 1 4 9
Please specify other library function that was assessed.
Library Function Assessment Method
Acquisitions &Cataloging Process improvement
Book availability (not specified)
In general, all of our units are assessed through our
user surveys.
Information Literacy (not specified)
Libraries Technical Services In Summer 2006, an external review committee was appointed to
assess the libraries (as a unit). In Summer 2007, a consulting firm was
hired to assess Technical Services
Library Spaces Observational studies and surveys are used to inform decision about
construction and renovation. (‘Facilities’ means maintenance and
cleaning activities to me.)
Media Services, Special Collections We conducted a self-study for Special Collections and hired an outside
management consultant to assess. We are currently conducting a
self-study for Media Services and will have a consultant come in this
summer. Also we participated in LibQUAL+™ in 2001 and 2005.
Overall with LibQUAL+™
Public Programs Government Documents Public Programs: surveys. Government Docs: statistics and randomized
and selective shelf-reading for quality control and improvement.
Student Multimedia Design Center planning The use of multimedia by faculty and students was assessed as part
of the planning process for design and implementation of the new
15,000 square foot Student Multimedia Design Center with 70
workstations, 6 studios and 2 classrooms. The assessment included
focus groups, surveys and interviews.
User satisfaction with online finding tools
Workflow in Cataloging and Acquisitions Inventory
of facilities audit processes of business office.
Library Function N Surveys Qualitative
Usability Other Have not
Staff Training/
60 37 14 14 1 1 17
Work Climate 60 29 18 4 1 — 23
Development/ Fundraising 59 3 5 22 — — 36
Other 16 3 2 2 1 4 9
Please specify other library function that was assessed.
Library Function Assessment Method
Acquisitions &Cataloging Process improvement
Book availability (not specified)
In general, all of our units are assessed through our
user surveys.
Information Literacy (not specified)
Libraries Technical Services In Summer 2006, an external review committee was appointed to
assess the libraries (as a unit). In Summer 2007, a consulting firm was
hired to assess Technical Services
Library Spaces Observational studies and surveys are used to inform decision about
construction and renovation. (‘Facilities’ means maintenance and
cleaning activities to me.)
Media Services, Special Collections We conducted a self-study for Special Collections and hired an outside
management consultant to assess. We are currently conducting a
self-study for Media Services and will have a consultant come in this
summer. Also we participated in LibQUAL+™ in 2001 and 2005.
Overall with LibQUAL+™
Public Programs Government Documents Public Programs: surveys. Government Docs: statistics and randomized
and selective shelf-reading for quality control and improvement.
Student Multimedia Design Center planning The use of multimedia by faculty and students was assessed as part
of the planning process for design and implementation of the new
15,000 square foot Student Multimedia Design Center with 70
workstations, 6 studios and 2 classrooms. The assessment included
focus groups, surveys and interviews.
User satisfaction with online finding tools
Workflow in Cataloging and Acquisitions Inventory
of facilities audit processes of business office.