61 SPEC Kit 353: Funding Article Processing Charges
The One University Open Access Author Fund
fund more KU authors. This amount is slightly higher than the average payment
amount during the Fund's 2-year pilot.
A requesting author may be awarded funding once in a fiscal year period. There is no
funding rollover.
Fund Disbursement
Requests may be made upon article submission or immediately upon accep‐
Articles that are ready for submission to the journal and are awarded funds will
have four months to complete the peer review process. If the paper is not ac‐
cepted by the publisher or a PO not received for payment within four months of
funding approval, the award will expire. The author will be contacted and may
later reapply for funds.
Once a request has been approved, the requesting author may direct the journal
to send the invoice to the KU Libraries contact, or you may send a publisher's in‐
voice to authorsfund@ku.edu.
Funds will be divided into one-month portions. Applications received during the
previous month will be reviewed within the first 5 business days of the next
month, prioritized, weighted for need, and awarded.
Funds may be paid only to publishers' invoices. Individual authors will not be re‐
imbursed or paid for retroactive publications.
Funds will only be awarded directly to the publisher of the journal identified in the
If not awarded, an author will be notified and may be eligible to apply the following
month. Applicants reapplying are not guaranteed funding awards.
Competitive Review
Funding will be distributed through a monthly, competitive review process. Weighted pri‐
ority will be based on: 1) author status (graduate student, pre-tenure faculty, early career
research staff) 2) those who lack funding for open access publication charges 3) those
who have not previously applied for open access author funds.
Additional Criteria
The fund is a limited resource intended to support open access publishing across the
university. We expect researchers to request funding for open access publication from
their funding agency if they can do so. For example, the National Institutes of Health and
the Howard Hughes Medical Institute will fund open access publications as part of their
research grants. If such funds are not available, we welcome your application.
If funds are encumbered for a submitted manuscript that is later not accepted, those
funds will then be released back to the fund for disbursement to accepted articles.
KU Libraries will upload the published version of each funded article to KU Scholar‐
Works, KU's open access digital archive of the scholarly work of KU faculty and graduate
Fund Administration
KU, KU Law, and KUMC libraries administer and assess the program with oversight pro‐
vided by the KU Provost, KU Vice Chancellor for Research &Graduate Studies, and
KUMC Vice Chancellor for Research.
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