21 SPEC Kit 353: Funding Article Processing Charges
16. If you know your FY17 fund allocation, please specify it in US dollars. Please enter a whole number
without commas or a $sign. N=17
Minimum Maximum Mean Median N
15,000 415,000 67,346 40,000 17
Allocation N
15,000 2
20,000 1
25,000 3
40,000 3
49,880 1
50,000 2
75,000 1
80,000 2
100,000 1
415,000 1
17. What have been the highest and lowest APCs paid? Please enter an amount in US dollars for each,
if known. Please enter a whole number without commas or a $sign. N=32
Amount Minimum Maximum Mean Median N
Highest 1,000.00 5,200.00 2,461.66 2,303.50 32
Lowest 74.00 650.00 276.47 230.00 31
Highest Lowest Comments
1,000 300 We had a $1,000 cap on awards
1,000 300 $1,000 per article (maximum $3,000 over period of the pilot)
1,200 500
1,250 500 $500 (total charge for that article)
1,500 90 We have a $1,500 cap per individual per year but definitely have authors who
are paying above that amount in total APCs.
1,500 300 According to the rules of the fund, $1,500 was the maximum award amount
from the fund. Many authors had funding requests that exceed $1,500 and the
fund was able to pay the first $1,500 for those authors.
1,500 600 The fund’s allocation limit is $1,500/article. The highest APC for an approved
article was $3,000.
2,000 80 First two-year pilot cap was $2,000 it’s since been adjusted down to $1,500.
2,000 100
2,000 150
2,000 185
2,000 300 We placed a cap on the amount we are willing to pay for an APC at $2,000, so
while we have had applicants who have sought more (up to $5,200), we have
only offered up to $2,000.
16. If you know your FY17 fund allocation, please specify it in US dollars. Please enter a whole number
without commas or a $sign. N=17
Minimum Maximum Mean Median N
15,000 415,000 67,346 40,000 17
Allocation N
15,000 2
20,000 1
25,000 3
40,000 3
49,880 1
50,000 2
75,000 1
80,000 2
100,000 1
415,000 1
17. What have been the highest and lowest APCs paid? Please enter an amount in US dollars for each,
if known. Please enter a whole number without commas or a $sign. N=32
Amount Minimum Maximum Mean Median N
Highest 1,000.00 5,200.00 2,461.66 2,303.50 32
Lowest 74.00 650.00 276.47 230.00 31
Highest Lowest Comments
1,000 300 We had a $1,000 cap on awards
1,000 300 $1,000 per article (maximum $3,000 over period of the pilot)
1,200 500
1,250 500 $500 (total charge for that article)
1,500 90 We have a $1,500 cap per individual per year but definitely have authors who
are paying above that amount in total APCs.
1,500 300 According to the rules of the fund, $1,500 was the maximum award amount
from the fund. Many authors had funding requests that exceed $1,500 and the
fund was able to pay the first $1,500 for those authors.
1,500 600 The fund’s allocation limit is $1,500/article. The highest APC for an approved
article was $3,000.
2,000 80 First two-year pilot cap was $2,000 it’s since been adjusted down to $1,500.
2,000 100
2,000 150
2,000 185
2,000 300 We placed a cap on the amount we are willing to pay for an APC at $2,000, so
while we have had applicants who have sought more (up to $5,200), we have
only offered up to $2,000.