20 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
75,000 It’s unclear how the funding model was selected prior to 2014. After 2015 we allocated
additional funds to target support for book chapters and monographs.
80,000 The decision was made between administration and the library in 2010, and has been
86,000 By the Dean of Libraries
263,750 Based on FY15 expenditures
14. How does the FY16 allocation compare with previous years? N=30
Smaller 6 20%
Larger 9 30%
About the same 15 50%
Comments N=10
Smaller N=4
Although budgeted at the same amount as previous years, we have historically allowed the fund to be
over-spent. This will not be possible for this year.
Fund was discontinued.
The funding in the last year was almost exactly the same amount as it had been the year before.
The service was postponed due to budget issues halfway through FY16.
Larger N=2
The fund didn’t exist before FY16.
We anticipate that the growth of the fund will become unsustainable.
About the same N=4
Allocation has been $40,000 since 2013.
Fund was $25K for first and second year. Fund was pilot program for those two years. Additional $10K
added after second year to continue fund until exhausted or more funds approved.
Initially $30,000 was approved, but due to demand, an additional $15,000 was released later in the year.
We are still in beta and trying to determine the right amount of funding. Usage is increasing.
15. If you answered “Larger” above, has an increase in funding led to an increase in staffing to handle
the requests for funds? N=9
Yes 0 0%
No 9 100%
Comments N=2
Handling the requests is not too time intensive.
No additional staffing has been added. We are planning to hire a Scholarly Communications Librarian
to manage the fund.
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