104 Representative Documents: Fund Application Procedures
COAP Fund Instructions for Application and Reimbursement
COAP Fund Instructions for Application and Reimbursement |Scholarly Communication Program
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COAP Fund Instructions for
Application and Reimbursement
You must be able to answer “yes” to all the questions below to be eligible to apply for reimbursement from
the COAP Fund.
1. Are you a Columbia faculty or staff member, postdoc, or currently enrolled graduate or undergraduate
2. Are you applying for funds to help underwrite article-processing charges related to publishing your
peer-reviewed scholarly article in an open-access journal?
3. Are you publishing in an open-access journal that provides unfettered access to all peer-reviewed
articles has publicly available a standard article fee schedule is a member of the Open Access
Publishers Association OR adheres to its Code of Conduct and has a policy to waive fees in cases
of economic hardship?
4. Can you confirm that you do not have any other source of funding to cover article-processing fees?
5. Was your article accepted for publication after January 1, 2010?
See the fund guidelines or frequently asked questions for more information.
Apply for Approval
Please apply to the COAP Fund upon your article’s acceptance for publication.
1. Fill out the application form and submit it online.
2. Pay the article processing charge using your credit card or personal check.
3. If your application is approved, submit a request for reimbursement.
Reimbursement Instructions
The COAP Fund will only reimburse individuals who can provide an invoice from the publisher and proof of
payment. [Please note: COAP Fund policy has changed and we can no longer reimburse
departmental accounts.]
To request reimbursement, please submit the following.
1. Invoice from the publisher. Acceptable formats include emails and PDFs.
2. Proof of payment. Acceptable proofs of payment from individual’s accounts are:
Canceled check (or copy of both the front and back of a canceled check)
Credit card receipt (original required)
Credit card statement
3. Reimbursement forms. These are:
W-9 form [Please note that this is not needed if you are currently employed by CU.]
Travel and Business Expense form
You may email the filled-out and signed documents to coapfund@columbia.edu. You can also fax
documents to 212-854-9099, attn: Nicole or mail them to::
Mail Code 3301
201 Lehman Library
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COAP Fund Instructions for Application and Reimbursement
COAP Fund Instructions for Application and Reimbursement |Scholarly Communication Program
http://scholcomm.columbia.edu/services/coap-fund/coap-fund-instructions-for-application-and-reimbursement/[9/23/16, 11:02:59 AM]
Columbia University Libraries
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Home Services COAP Fund COAP Fund Instructions for Application and Reimbursement Subscribe to SCP Updates
COAP Fund Instructions for
Application and Reimbursement
You must be able to answer “yes” to all the questions below to be eligible to apply for reimbursement from
the COAP Fund.
1. Are you a Columbia faculty or staff member, postdoc, or currently enrolled graduate or undergraduate
2. Are you applying for funds to help underwrite article-processing charges related to publishing your
peer-reviewed scholarly article in an open-access journal?
3. Are you publishing in an open-access journal that provides unfettered access to all peer-reviewed
articles has publicly available a standard article fee schedule is a member of the Open Access
Publishers Association OR adheres to its Code of Conduct and has a policy to waive fees in cases
of economic hardship?
4. Can you confirm that you do not have any other source of funding to cover article-processing fees?
5. Was your article accepted for publication after January 1, 2010?
See the fund guidelines or frequently asked questions for more information.
Apply for Approval
Please apply to the COAP Fund upon your article’s acceptance for publication.
1. Fill out the application form and submit it online.
2. Pay the article processing charge using your credit card or personal check.
3. If your application is approved, submit a request for reimbursement.
Reimbursement Instructions
The COAP Fund will only reimburse individuals who can provide an invoice from the publisher and proof of
payment. [Please note: COAP Fund policy has changed and we can no longer reimburse
departmental accounts.]
To request reimbursement, please submit the following.
1. Invoice from the publisher. Acceptable formats include emails and PDFs.
2. Proof of payment. Acceptable proofs of payment from individual’s accounts are:
Canceled check (or copy of both the front and back of a canceled check)
Credit card receipt (original required)
Credit card statement
3. Reimbursement forms. These are:
W-9 form [Please note that this is not needed if you are currently employed by CU.]
Travel and Business Expense form
You may email the filled-out and signed documents to coapfund@columbia.edu. You can also fax
documents to 212-854-9099, attn: Nicole or mail them to::
Mail Code 3301
201 Lehman Library
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